
Fun with StarFields

Newsflash! You Can't Love Yourself!

Newsflash! You Can't Love Yourself!

I've got some news for all those out there who have been told they must "learn to love themselves more" - it doesn't work.

It can't be done. It's hopeless. Want to know why?

Posted Mar 28, 2011 24,840 Reads Read Article...

Is Your Home Infested By Invisible Geckos?

Is Your Home Infested By Invisible Geckos?

Is your home suffering from an invisible gecko infestation and you just didn't know it?

This could be serious ...

Posted Apr 7, 2010 3,710 Reads Read Article...

Fashion Clones

Fashion Clones

What is the great fear of a random housewife, going out to a party down the pub? That there will be other women in the same dress. Of course this can happen if you buy your clothes in the local supermarket - but surely, if you pay gazillions for haute couture, that's exactly what can't happen to you and you can relax in the knowledge that your designer frock sets you apart from the trampling herd? Hmmm ....

Posted Feb 11, 2010 2,929 Reads Read Article...

Global Warming

Picture taken at a recent ralley against Global Warming in south west Idaho ...


Global Warming

Posted Dec 12, 2009 180 Reads

Joy of Cross Dressing - Mystery Solved!

Joy of Cross Dressing - Mystery Solved!

Now this is one of these weird things that I've observed and wondered about over the years - WHY is it that out of all the many peoples in the world, only the ENGLISH have a situation where fully grown heterosexual macho men will throw themselves with glee and much delight into women's dresses given the slightest chance and half an opportunity?

Posted Nov 14, 2006 2,610 Reads Read Article...

What's Luck Got To Do With It!?

I was watching a rather sordid satellite TV programme about various weird aspects of sex when I came across something that did make me sit up and think, now this is a good teaching story in point.

Posted Jan 30, 2003 4,384 Reads Read Article...
Contact Sandra Hillawi

Sandra Hillawi - waiting for your call :-))

It's always good to talk to a human being and have your questions answered in person Smile

Please feel free to contact Sandra Hillawi with any questions about these retreats and for all your booking enquiries.

Telephone/WhatsApp Number

UK +44 (0) 7884 443708

Telephone Only Egypt +20 101 684 7379 

or WhatsApp Me directly with your enquiry News
The article discusses how emotional energy release techniques, specifically EMO Energy in Motion, effectively improve dyslexia symptoms. Through three ...