Book Course CD

Books Courses CDs etc by StarFields

Farewell To Three Colorful Friends - The Original EMO Books Are Going Out Of Print June 1st 11

Farewell To Three Colorful Friends - The Original EMO Books Are Going Out Of Print June 1st 11

The three original EMO books, Vol. 1: Oceans Of Energy, Vol: 2 Living Energy and Vol. 3: Energy Magic are going out of print from June 1st, 2011. The trilogy documents the development of EMO from its beginnings in 1993 to its first formulation as EMO in 2001 and the many different research directions of EMO until 2005. They represent a complete record of the journey of discovery at the time.

Posted May 22, 2011 17,621 Reads Read Article...

Magic Books - Books As Energy Objects

Magic Books - Books As Energy Objects

From when I was three years old, I always thought (and felt) that there was more to books than meets the eye. That they were magical, and that there was something mysterious about them. But it wasn't until I came to make my first consciously "magic book" that I understood properly what it is, and how it works.

I was really excited by this understanding of "books as magical objects" and decided to share this in a free teleclass with the VIP members - and you can listen in today ...

Posted Aug 10, 2010 2,315 Reads Read Article...

Events Psychology Exercises Book

Events Psychology Exercises Book

I have collected the exercises from the Events Psychology study group in a document with some helpful tips and hints. Those who are interested in discovering more about Events Psychology and/or using the principles with their clients can use the exercises book to familiarise themselves with how EvP works, what it feels like, what it does.

Posted Dec 11, 2009 2,237 Reads Read Article...

Power Affirmations

Power Affirmations

I've been looking at affirmations, how they work and what they are, pretty much since I first started in personal development in 1979. That's a long time! It wasn't really until I got seriously into the principles of magic that I fully understood how PRIMAL and POWERFUL affirmations can be - if you know what you're doing. So I wrote a report and self training program to put down the principles and the techniques and patterns to make real POWER AFFIRMATIONS - even for someone who has NEVER managed to make affirmations work for them before. Cool stuff. There's also an article on which elucidates further. It's a very interesting topic, to be sure.

Posted Dec 19, 2008 226 Reads Read Article...

Past Life Regression & Beyond: Many Lives In The Multiverse

Past Life Regression & Beyond: Many Lives In The Multiverse

Over the years, I've been asked many, many times to make an Energy Hypnosis Past Life Regression. I thought about it but didn't see the sense in it because there are soooo many Past Life Regression products already available.

At some point earlier this year, I had a vision in conjunction with something else that was really quite beautiful and made me say, "Yes! That's different! That's MY personal contribution to the Past Life Regression or rather, "Many lives - soul travel" field, that's worth doing now."

What I saw was ...

Posted Oct 30, 2008 2,250 Reads Read Article...

The Genius Symbols Course

The Genius Symbols Course

The Genius Symbols course is here! Primarily designed to give us lots of practice and MAKE US DO the exercises - lol! - this 6 part course is all about getting better at having visions, more deeply familiar with the symbols, and how to stay LIGHT whilst you're working with energetic data of this nature. Oh, and of course about the Alpha and Omega of all personal development - to move closer and experience more often those star states of "lucid living", when the human mental systems are on line at the same time, in a standing, resonant connection and you can really know it - all. Cool stuff!

Posted Oct 20, 2008 260 Reads Read Article...

Vampire Solstice - The Making Of ...

Vampire Solstice Vampire Solstice is a fascinating event - more than a metaphor story, more than a parts integration, more than a hypnotic journey and more than just a vampire novel.

The entire thing was channeled, lucid dream fashion, and I want to engage with it a little further, go behind the scenes and find out more about Vampire Solstice, about the vampires and their world.

Posted Feb 6, 2006 2,613 Reads Read Article...

The Making Of The Enchanted World

The Enchanted World is such an unusual project, I made a note of how and why it came to be to the StarFields list after it was brand new off my keyboard :-) So here is ...
Posted Aug 19, 2004 16,398 Reads Read Article...

Welcome, In Serein!

Welcome, In Serein!

After nearly four years, In Serein has finally arrived in the Hard, and we're pretty sure the planes will never be quite the same again! This morning, on the day of the Lord August 5th, 2004, the very first ever proof copy of Book 1, Sorcerer & Apprentice, was delivered by motorcycle messenger and a celebration ensued to celebrate the birth of In Serein - from a stream of ideas, to a stream of computer data, and now it's a BOOK!

Posted Aug 5, 2004 14,879 Reads Read Article...

FREE Energy Hypnosis E-Book & FREE Hypnosis MP3s at

FREE Energy Hypnosis E-Book & FREE Hypnosis MP3s at

Is it hypnosis? Is it hypnotherapy? Yes Jim - but not as we know it! Superbly balanced lucid Sanctuary States and post-Ericksonian inductions are the portal to a new class of states, a new realm of experiences - with our extraordinary HypnoDreams! And you can now find ALL evocation scripts, full explanations and usage instructions and a free e-book on HypnoDreams II - Heart Healing at

Posted Jul 27, 2003 16,621 Reads Read Article...

In Serein - The Web Book

In Serein - The Web Book

In Serein - The Web Book at You've heard the rumours, heard the whispers, well, friends, here it is: I have decided to upload the entire In Serein trilogy to the World Wide Web as a FREE FREE FREE web book! This means that ...

Posted Mar 3, 2003 4,762 Reads Read Article...

The Adventures Evolution

In 1999, I was seeing a huge amount of people on a daily basis for EFT treatments. I was learning at the rate of knots and absolutely excited by this amazing, wonderful, yes! miraculous tool we had been given that would make pain disappear, make emotional hurt as old and hard as rock simply dissolve and that would have people do all these things they never ever thought they could. Boy, that was exciting! Every client, every day, we were learning all these amazing new things about how EFT works and found more and more things you could do with it. It wasn't just about tapping this or that away. There was so much more - unblocking your own thinking processes, for example, so you could all of a sudden find solutions to problems you never thought you could even begin to figure out.
Posted Feb 7, 2003 3,741 Reads Read Article...

On Writing In Serein

How I came to write In Serein and what had to be done with myself to make it possible.

Posted Jul 7, 2002 6,407 Reads Read Article...
Contact Sandra Hillawi

Sandra Hillawi - waiting for your call :-))

It's always good to talk to a human being and have your questions answered in person Smile

Please feel free to contact Sandra Hillawi with any questions about these retreats and for all your booking enquiries.

Telephone/WhatsApp Number

UK +44 (0) 7884 443708

Telephone Only Egypt +20 101 684 7379 

or WhatsApp Me directly with your enquiry News
How do we fulfill the needs we have in ourself because of past injuries that call out for love and attention to meet those needs our behaviours and interactions? How ...