Fashion Clones

Fashion Clones

What is the great fear of a random housewife, going out to a party down the pub? That there will be other women in the same dress. Of course this can happen if you buy your clothes in the local supermarket - but surely, if you pay gazillions for haute couture, that's exactly what can't happen to you and you can relax in the knowledge that your designer frock sets you apart from the trampling herd? Hmmm ....

So here they - the fashion clones.

Personally, I'd ask for my money back ...

Fashion clones grammy 2010


Fashion clone grammy 2010


"Haha! Look at me! So my dress ... ok, it's the same weird pink gray fabric, same colour, same glittery stuff ... but ... it's short!

"I'm soo unique!!!"


Mental note.

When paying over $5,000 for a dress, ask who bought the other dozen ...


Creativity is a precious, precious thing ...

So rare ...

So very rare ...


Posted Feb 11, 2010
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