Colon Cleansing

Colon cleansing is an important part of our healing and detox retreats, and different methods are used at different venues, including colonic irrigation, known as colonics, or enemas, and intestinal cleansing with herbs.

Can Colonic Irrigation Rejuvenate My Sluggish System?

Can Colonic Irrigation Rejuvenate My Sluggish System?

Today I had an email from a person asking advice about colonics and her questions and the answwers apply to many people, so I have included them here. She asked me :

Why did nothing release in my colonic? and

Can a colonic a irrigation regime really rejuvenate my sluggish system?

The answers include understanding the role of diet in colon health, the effects of dehydration on the colon, and how stress held in the colon can also slow us down.


Posted Jul 20, 2010 7,830 Reads More Information -->

Colon Cleansing with Enemas

Colon Cleansing with Enemas

An enema is a simple flush out of the lowest part of the colon, the rectum and descending colon with water. Enemas can be self adminstered and kits which can be obtained from wholistic health specialists online, are inexpensive allowing the healthy practice of maintaining inner hygeine and colon cleansing to be carried out at home, or by taking your kit with you, as you travel. Enemas are used as an option for cleansing the colon on healing and detox retreats where there is no colon irrigation system installed.

Posted Jul 2, 2010 8,784 Reads More Information -->

Colon Cleansing Why and How

The colon is the body’s largest eliminative channel, but as a result of neglect and abuse it can become blocked or slow down. Congested and toxic toxins, fermentation and putrefaction can seep back into the bloodstream and so poisoning every organ in the body. The fifty million pounds that are spent annually on laxatives in the UK clearly indicates that effective elimination is a major problem for many people and the resultant auto-intoxication, literally self-poisoning, is a causative factor in many serious diseases.

Posted Jul 2, 2010 6,996 Reads More Information -->

Colon Cleansing with Herbs

Colon Cleansing with Herbs

There are a number of herbs which are traditionally known to assist in the cleansing of the colon. They can be used alone or alongside colonics or enemas to deepen the cleansing effects of those treatments. One of the advantages of taking a herbal cleanse is that taken orally, the herbs cleanse and detoxify the whole digestive system, the stomach, the small intestine and the large intestine.

Posted Jul 2, 2010 9,150 Reads More Information -->

Colon Cleansing by Colonic Irrigation

Colon Cleansing by Colonic Irrigation

Many people ask what is colonic irrigation and what are the benefits? Sandra Hillawi trained as a Colonic Irrigation Therapist in 2000 when she qualified as a Master Herbalist with the College of Herbs and Natural Healing. At her healing and detox retreats Sandra uses various forms of colon cleansing, including colonics, herbal cleansing and enemas. This article answers the commons questions about colonic irrigation : can it help weightloss ? digestive problems ? energy levels and vitality ? is it painful ? is it safe ? are there downsides ? can it help candida ?

Posted Jul 2, 2010 8,210 Reads More Information -->
Contact Sandra Hillawi

Sandra Hillawi - waiting for your call :-))

It's always good to talk to a human being and have your questions answered in person Smile

Please feel free to contact Sandra Hillawi with any questions about these retreats and for all your booking enquiries.

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UK +44 (0) 7884 443708

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