Project Sanctuary

Project Sanctuary

An Inspirational Story: Daily Diamonds

An Inspirational Story: Daily Diamonds

Here is a lovely and inspiring story that came my way today.

Many people ask, "Is this all there is? There should be more to life than this ..." and this is my answer.

I enjoyed discovering and writing this inspirational story; I hope you enjoy it too ... :-)

Posted Mar 14, 2016 5,058 Reads Read Article...

Musings On The Gift

Musings On The Gift

The Gift is a form of energy magic that is perhaps the most simple and direct way to understand a hugely complex operation, which is to generate a unique energy form and to transmit it to others. First described in 1996,

The Gift is indeed, a gift on many levels; now it turns out, it is also a TEST.

Posted Jul 26, 2010 2,110 Reads Read Article...

Welcome To Fantasy-Fiction!

Fantasy Fiction Dragon Logo
Very happy to welcome my new SpaceNode for fairy tales, story telling, news about fiction books and novels, fantasy fiction reviews and all things creative writing related - 

To celebrate its arrival ...

Posted Jan 14, 2010 2,745 Reads Read Article...

A Story For Solstice

A Story For Solstice

Whether you call it Christmas, Solstice, or the Festival of Lights, this is a holy time of the year, of this there can be no doubt.

Here is a new story for Solstice, I hope you enjoy.

* The original German version, Weihnachtsgeschichte can be found here.

Posted Dec 22, 2009 234 Reads Read Article...

12 Gifts Solstice Meditation

12 Gifts Meditation by StarFields

Here is a lovely solstice meditation - enjoy!

Posted Dec 21, 2009 2,355 Reads Read Article...

The Rainbow Angels

Rainbow Angels Healing Angels Click to get an angel!

Welcome to the Rainbow Angels.

They appeared out of nowhere and are really quite wonderful.

Click the image to find out which rainbow angel would like to make contact with you today ...

Posted Dec 14, 2009 195 Reads Read Article...

PS, Meditation & Aromatherapy - Wild Tansy

PS, Meditation & Aromatherapy - Wild Tansy

A lot of people are in personal development to avoid failure - the idea being that if you're "good" and you do "all the right things" then you'll be immune from adversity, accident, incident, illness and death, one must presume. I have always thought that it's more like increasing one's abilities to cope with whatever life might throw in one's direction. As the old quote goes, "Don't pray for an easier life, pray for a stronger back."

There are all sorts of things one can do in personal development to prepare for the future. One of the things that I have always rated above all else is the power of meditation, or Project Sanctuary to be precise, and to learn to be GOOD AT IT. It's a fun game when all is well, but it isn't until life strikes that the real value and worth of esoteric personal development really becomes revealed. Here's a case in point.

Posted Dec 6, 2009 217 Reads Read Article...

The Genius Symbols Course

The Genius Symbols Course

The Genius Symbols course is here! Primarily designed to give us lots of practice and MAKE US DO the exercises - lol! - this 6 part course is all about getting better at having visions, more deeply familiar with the symbols, and how to stay LIGHT whilst you're working with energetic data of this nature. Oh, and of course about the Alpha and Omega of all personal development - to move closer and experience more often those star states of "lucid living", when the human mental systems are on line at the same time, in a standing, resonant connection and you can really know it - all. Cool stuff!

Posted Oct 20, 2008 260 Reads Read Article...
Contact Sandra Hillawi

Sandra Hillawi - waiting for your call :-))

It's always good to talk to a human being and have your questions answered in person Smile

Please feel free to contact Sandra Hillawi with any questions about these retreats and for all your booking enquiries.

Telephone/WhatsApp Number

UK +44 (0) 7884 443708

Telephone Only Egypt +20 101 684 7379 

or WhatsApp Me directly with your enquiry News
The article discusses how emotional energy release techniques, specifically EMO Energy in Motion, effectively improve dyslexia symptoms. Through three ...