The Adventures Evolution

In 1999, I was seeing a huge amount of people on a daily basis for EFT treatments. I was learning at the rate of knots and absolutely excited by this amazing, wonderful, yes! miraculous tool we had been given that would make pain disappear, make emotional hurt as old and hard as rock simply dissolve and that would have people do all these things they never ever thought they could. Boy, that was exciting! Every client, every day, we were learning all these amazing new things about how EFT works and found more and more things you could do with it. It wasn't just about tapping this or that away. There was so much more - unblocking your own thinking processes, for example, so you could all of a sudden find solutions to problems you never thought you could even begin to figure out.

The Adventures Evolution

In 1999, I was seeing a huge amount of people on a daily basis for EFT treatments. 

I was learning at the rate of knots and absolutely excited by this amazing, wonderful, yes! miraculous tool we had been given that would make pain disappear, make emotional hurt as old and hard as rock simply dissolve and that would have people do all these things they never ever thought they could.

Boy, that was exciting!

Every client, every day, we were learning all these amazing new things about how EFT works and found more and more things you could do with it.

It wasn't just about tapping this or that away. There was so much more - unblocking your own thinking processes, for example, so you could all of a sudden find solutions to problems you never thought you could even begin to figure out.

Courage - that was another one. Before EFT, we were afraid of so many things. Now, and even without tapping, we were trying out all sorts of new situations with much more courage and to our amazement, found that not only we were a lot smarter and stronger than we'd ever believed possible, but that we didn't need all this extra help at all!

I was really excited about it, I can tell you and for me, to learn all about EFT and to try it very literally on EVERYTHING was the most extraordinary ADVENTURE.

I wanted everyone to see this too, to get this excited, to understand just how much you can do with this one single simple classic EFT protocol and so I wrote the very first version of Adventures in just under a month and we started selling this.

Right from the start, people loved it - its energy and enthusiasm, the ideas and the way it was so alive - well that was the place from which I wrote it so that makes perfect sense.

Some people said I should have waited a few years, calmed down a bit but you know, the original excitement and enthusiasm I had back then is priceless and I am very, very glad that I didn't listen to them and just got on with it - full steam ahead.

As time went by, I learned still more, of course, and also got myself involved in ever more complicated things, more multilevel things and although I'm still excited about EFT, I'm not like I was back in 99 when I first got to hear about it.

As I have always kept a hand in EFT, no matter what else I'd gotten up to, I was always writing articles about various aspects of working with EFT, case histories, new patterns and so on. Every so often I would just take them all and happily insert them into the handy A-Z format of Adventures and then we would have a new edition.

This happened twenty times or more until at the last expansion, I became aware that I had all these patterns stored up that really didn't fit into the original Adventures any more - they were in every way too different.

For one thing, many of these patterns were not using the Classic EFT protocol but variations on the theme, some quite complex ways of working with energy and the meridian system, EFT derived but in truth, way too complicated for someone who has only just started with EFT or may be a self help user who is after getting relief from their pressing problems quickly, rather than going on a full on expedition to the boundaries of the energy systems!

For another, a lot of these later patterns were dealing with really heavy duty, dark night of the soul type stuff; with extreme emotional disturbances and overarching life patterns; things that make or break an incarnation.

This really didn't go with the happy-go-lucky, clear blue child-like joy of Adventures In EFT and so I just left these articles, an ever growing collection. Some I would release, others I would not and they just sat in my "articles & ideas" folder, gathering cyberdust and I'd see them every so often and think with a guilty conscience, "I should really do something with that ..."

One day, I was working on the manuscript for a hard copy edition for Adventures and during the break said to one of our office people, "Ah I really shouldn't have these patterns in there, they really don't fit." The young man pointed out that I could collect these in a second book, an advanced book that people could pick up who like myself have gone past the clear blue, "I'd like to teach the World to tap ..." stage and were ready now with their new found courage to tackle the real heavy duty stuff in order to truly transform their lives, rather than patching up bits here and there so it would remain essentially unchanged, just hurt a little less or run a little more smoothly.

Now why didn't I think of that? It was really rather obvious.

Adventures 4.2 was the turning point.

Truly, as a species, Adventures could not go any further without tearing itself apart and becoming less than what it was, and so I went back to the drawing board, first with a 5th edition that was never actually released in the end, and then the new one, the 6th Edition which will hopefully now be the final word on the topic.

What I have done is to take out of Adventures what did not belong into a book that is designed to be a *doorway* to EFT and working with EFT, and instead, added some basic patterns and sections which would be of real interest to most people and of real use - such as entries on weightloss, sex and giving up smoking.

Adventures 6 is now, once again, cohesive and more than that, now also quite comprehensive in its applications.

And we now have a different species altogether for the next level, namely "The Advanced Patterns Of EFT", clearly no longer for self help and lay people, but for those who really want to roll up their sleeves and start working with EFT not as a mechanical tapping tool but as what it truly is and has been all along - a truly outstanding quantum healing modality in its own right that is exactly as powerful as the intent which applies it.

I apologise for having this many turns of evolution in Adventures In EFT, but even though I appreciate that I have created a great deal of extra work and trouble for many people in the process (myself included!), it must also be said that I am tremendously grateful that I am living in an age where you are NOT stuck with one book you wrote back then and someone printed a million copies, and now you're not allowed to move on, get better or change your mind because they still have a half million left to sell!

To have been able to evolve a book over four years in this fashion, to really understand what it is and what it is for was a amazing learning experience for me as a trainings designer and as an author.

It has also been a wonderful journey of personal development for me.

I saw a copy of Adventures, 1st edition, the other day. It is less than a third in size compared to 6, and has evolved in direct feedback with the readers - directly in response to their questions, their comments and their suggestions.

That is a very rare thing in publishing indeed and a very wonderful thing too.

I think I can safely say that Adventures is the book I have spent the most time over, ever, and that is saying something. It is by no means my cleverest, nor my most poetic; it certainly isn't a work of genius or a paradigm shifter that will make it into the annuals of history.

What it is though is mature, correct and very useful - and although I didn't think the day would come that I would actually write those words about one of my own projects, Adventures is something that I am now proud of.

So, and one more time, if you own an electronic version of Adventures, any edition, you can upgrade to Version 6.0 for free by filling in the form on I thank all of you who have been a part of this amazing journey over the years for bearing with me and most of all, giving me the chance to grow Adventures into the excellent and helpful manual that it has become today.

Best Greetings




Silvia Hartmann

Author, Adventures In EFT & Advanced Patterns Of EFT

First posted to MT-Newbies Discussion List Jan 12th, 2003

Posted Feb 7, 2003
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How do we fulfill the needs we have in ourself because of past injuries that call out for love and attention to meet those needs our behaviours and interactions? How ...