There are a number of herbs which are traditionally known to assist in the cleansing of the colon. They can be used alone or alongside colonics or enemas to deepen the cleansing effects of those treatments. One of the advantages of taking a herbal cleanse is that taken orally, the herbs cleanse the whole digestive system, the stomach, the small intestine and the large intestine.
At the College of Herbs and Natural Healing where Sandra Hillawi trained and qualified as a Master Herbalist and Colonic Therapist in 2000 the tradition was to use herbal formulae developed by Dr Christopher and Dr Richard Schulze for cleansing the colon. Here are the formulae below.
The herbs are taken in the following way. IF2 as capsules, with food or at mealtimes, stimulating the natural peristalsis, to increase bowel movements and speed of transit. IF3 is made up as a drink, taken between meals several times a day. Going through the system alone, it is able to dissolve cleanse draw off and detoxify deposits on the walls of the intestinal system, binding it into a fibrous bulk and passed through for exit.

Intestinal Formula No 2 (IF No 2)
Ingredients: Cape Aloe leaf, Senna leaves and pods, Cascara Sagrada aged bark, Ginger root, Garlic bulb, Cayenne pepper
Richard Schulze’s famous much stronger stimulating bowel tonic designed to disinfect all parts of the gastro-intestinal tract. It disinfects, stops putrefaction, relieves gas and cramps, improves digestion, increases the flow of bile, encourages the growth of healthy intestinal flora, acts as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-parasitic, increases circulation while cleansing. It is three times stronger than IF No 1, healing and strengthening the entire gastro-intestinal tract.
Do not use during pregnancy without the guidance of a qualified medical herbalist. Do not use if the colon is inflamed with colitis or anything similar. Instead begin with IF No 3.
Intestinal Formula No 3 (IF no 3)
Ingredients: Apple Fruit pectin, Pharmaceutical Grade Bentonite Clay, Psyllium seed and husk, Slippery Elm bark, Fennel seed, , Fenugreek seed, activated charcoal, licquorice root
Soothing and cleansing, designed again by Richard Schulze to be used alongside the IF 1 or 2. It will draw out old hardened debris, toxins, poisons, heavy metals like aluminium, lead and mercury as well as radioactive elements like Strontium 90 together with over 3,000 different chemical and drug residues. Naturally mucilaginous it makes an excellent remedy for inflammation of stomach and intestines. It draws and removes material from diverticula (bowel pockets).
The anti-contaminator suits employed by Desert Storm to absorb and neutralize nerve gas and chemical warfare were lined with charcoal which demonstrates the amazing power of this formula to absorb and neutralize toxins.