Colon Cleansing by Colonic Irrigation

Colon Cleansing by Colonic Irrigation

Many people ask what is colonic irrigation and what are the benefits? Sandra Hillawi trained as a Colonic Irrigation Therapist in 2000 when she qualified as a Master Herbalist with the College of Herbs and Natural Healing. At her healing and detox retreats Sandra uses various forms of colon cleansing, including colonics, herbal cleansing and enemas. This article answers the commons questions about colonic irrigation : can it help weightloss ? digestive problems ? energy levels and vitality ? is it painful ? is it safe ? are there downsides ? can it help candida ?

What is Colonic Irrigation ?

A colonic is a gentle and relaxing flush of the colon using filtered water at body temperature. A few ounces of water are introduced into the colon via a speculum which allows both in flow of water and outflow of water and waste. The water introduced creates a gentle pressure and the colon’s peristalsis pushes the water and any loose wastes out through the waste hose which leads to a soil pipe. All equipment is sterile and everything is sealed so there are no odours. The process takes about 45 minutes. Toxins, gas and wastes are flushed out, the source of re-absorption into the blood is removed, the blood can release wastes into the colon better all of which leaves you feeling lighter, more comfortable and bodily clean.

Cleansing the colon by colonic irrigation

Colonics for Weightloss

The colon can carry a lot of excess waste which can lead to losing a few pounds, but be aware that this is temporary weight loss. Also, during a colonic, the body absorbs water in the colon, so it can happen, if someone is very dehydrated, that they gain a couple of even after cleansing the colon. Colonics can assist weight loss as part of an overall programme including a cleansing dietary programme.

Colonics and Digestive Problems

Colonics can help alleviate many digestive problems, including : constipation, IBS, bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain. It can also help with some skin problems, as the blood gets cleaner and the body can eliminate better. It can help with lower back pain, if constipation is creating pressure on the organs in the abdominal area and the back and with menstrual problems.

Colonics for Energy and Vitality

Many people choose colonics just for greater energy and vitality. Cleaning creates greater physical comfort, cleans the blood making us feel clean in our whole body, and can clearer headed. Many just feel better health because their system is just working better.

Is A Colonic Painful?

No. Its actually quite a comfortable and relaxing process, especially if you have done some preparation with herbs and diet. That’s actually what I personally recommend, as it makes the first colonic really easy. Someone with bad constipation would definitely be advised to do some preparation with herbs and diet prior to treatment otherwise there may be some discomfort and even a less effective first treatment.

Colonics and Herbs

Intestinal Cleansing Herbs really help you get a more effective colonic treatment. They get the colon moving, soften things up inside and that allows the water to work its way deeper and to effect a deeper release in the treatment.

Colonics Downsides

The downside of colonics is that you wash away some of the body’s friendly bacteria along with everything else. This needs to be replaced and all good practitioners will prescribe a probiotic supplement or an probiotic implant to replenish the bacteria washed out.

Colonics and Candida

Candida or yeast which naturally inhabit the colon, can grow to problem levels in certain circumstances. The symptoms of candida may include : bloating, especially with starchy foods, sugar cravings, thrush and fungal infections in other parts of the body.

Yeast is kept at lower unharmful levels by having high levels of friendly bacteria,  strong immune system and a healthy diet.

The causes of problem levels of candida are therefore :

  1. killing off friendly bacteria, through use of antibiotics
  2. stress which compromises the immune system
  3. feeding the yeast what it loves, ie sugar and starchy foods

When these cause factors are in place this sets the environment for candida to grow to problem levels.

Colonics can help with symptoms by physically washing out the yeast from the colon. Colonics should be combined with other anti-candida actions such as anti-fungal herbs, dietary changes and stress release for maximum and lasting results.


Posted Jul 2, 2010
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