Can Colonic Irrigation Rejuvenate My Sluggish System?

Can Colonic Irrigation Rejuvenate My Sluggish System?

Today I had an email from a person asking advice about colonics and her questions and the answwers apply to many people, so I have included them here. She asked me :

Why did nothing release in my colonic? and

Can a colonic a irrigation regime really rejuvenate my sluggish system?

The answers include understanding the role of diet in colon health, the effects of dehydration on the colon, and how stress held in the colon can also slow us down.


Client Question : Why did nothing release in my colonic?

I have just started a colonic regime and am going for my 2nd session tomorrow. My problem is a very sluggish bowel or torteous bowel.  Will the colonic therapy really benefit me? On my first session very little stool came out but that might be because I had given myself a coffee enema two days prior. What do you know of this and will and can it help my bowel muscles to rejuvenate?


My Answer :

There are lots of reasons why you didn’t release much on your colonic.

Yes, a sluggish bowel, also dehydration, and possibly a lot of mucus in the stool ie very dense stools.

In cases such as yours I would have advised you to do preparation for colonics with a herbal cleanse, which definitely will get the bowel moving and detoxify and cleanse the walls, plus to follow a high fibre mucus free diet increasing your water intake.

This would let your stools be softer, create some space inside and let the colonic be more effective in cleansing. Otherwise it’s a bit like water on concrete when you have your first colonics in a case of very sluggish and impacted system.

As for 'can colonics rejuvenate the system?'

When you have successful cleanses, your transit and comfort should improve somewhat.

But if the causes of the sluggishness are dietary and dehydration, then you should look at more long term change to your diet, adding more fibre and avoiding mucus forming foods such as dairy, eggs, white flour, white rice, going to wholefoods.

The muscle needs the fibre to work with to help propel the digestive material through the intestinal system. A diet low in fibre (ie animal foods, refined processed foods) will lead to a slow transit.


As the digestive material passes through the colon, water is absorbed for the body's needs. If you dont drink enough water, the body will draw as much as it can from the stools. they become harder and stick to the inner walls of the colon and are more difficult to pass. So drinking more water helps transit.

If the cause of sluggishness is stress, holding the muscle in tension, then you should look at EFT or EMO emotional release techniques to address the emotional causes and relax and free the muscles in the intestinal system.

So colonics can help, and you will feel an overall sense of cleanness, comfort and lightness. A series of colonics will get the muscles of the working better as they have a good workout during the colonic, but sometimes there are other factors that need to be addressed in chronic problems relating to diet and the emotions.


Posted Jul 20, 2010
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