Not shrinking or disappearing into my pit of pain Not wanting to scream at my suffering my shame Not wanting to hollow at a life that's so cruel Not wanting to make out that actually I'm cool With all that has happened, happening and all that's a sin Not making bold gestures of taking off my ring Not saying I agree when inside there's pain While inside I'm suffering from the assault and the shame I'm sitting up now in a god awful bed With a smell of the drains and bugs I used to dread I'm typing away at a god awful din But for a first and not the last it's not a noise from within I'm not sitting hear riddled by guilt shame and fear Not questioning myself, now does rape make me queer I'm sat bolt up right with comfort in my shoulders With love in my heart that burns strong not just little smoulders My life's been ignited by life's BBQ this journey I've taken has given me the clue To happiness strength an vitality I truly know now that I can be, I am going to be very happy Happy in life with what ever cards are dealt Not washed up like those bottles on Egypt's Beach shelf You see I chose to be hear with my estranged wife's blessing I'm hear for a purpose to learn life's lesson A blessing I got but I did not need permission To step on that plane and not do gods but Antony's mission A retreat I did seek for me from me to win It was a calling not a direction , a voice from within Nobody told me to search for this week Nobody told me I needed to find this, to seek It was a calling to search on the Internet A calling to make my final must have bet I was the one that chose to be alone and be hear Just like I was the one who picked up that beer Just like I was the one who drove her away I was the one who made our marriage decay But this difference in this choice is I made it for me I made it from within not for illness or society I made this choice to get my self better And I chose the destination I chose every letter I was not blinded by love by shame or by hate I knew I had to come to empty my plate I knew what was needed for my soul to be free From trauma from suffering from anxiety I needed a place close to the bible To become strong to be a disciple Not to turn to god or turn into a Buddha But to steer my self with my own ships rudder To take on a journey laid out by myself Not cry over wedding photos taken off our shelf Not to say why me what have I done Or to come on a Jolly an excuse for some fun Not to spend what I don't have to satisfy me I needed to come to set my spirit free So hear I am sat in my god awful bed With nothing but calm running through my head Never did I dream of sleeping on a pillow of sand Never did I dream on my own 2 feet I could stand I seeked in life to live in the eye of the storm To be relaxed in the centre while around me life's torn That was my goal to be happy not strife At the centre is me around me my life That was my goal to live at the heart of a hurricane Is it any wonder life's drove me batty , insane Is it any wonder I drove my wife and family mad Is it any wonder she sees our future as bad Is it any wonder my heads beaten mostly spinning That I cannot think never mind getting on with winning When I was in the eye I felt happiness in life This was the moment I'd share happiness with my wife Id say it I'd mean it I'd be calm in the centre It was the eye of the storm not a babies safe loving placenta How can you stay happy surrounded by 100 hundred mile an hour winds Is it any wonder when your spinning you committed such sins I lived for life with a goal in the eye Is it any wonder why I broke so many tears I did cry Is it any wonder my wife would sit waiting fearing the next blast Is it any wonder that my marriage and happiness did not last How I spotted the flaw in the eye of the storm was not healthy Well 5 days into my retreat my life felt so wealthy So admit yet again at last I am free Just like 8 years old sat on my nana's knee So there I am with final freedom from Rape A separation no more trauma on my plate I'm calm going to bed I write a love poem But the the winds they started really blowing Spinning and spinning those winds did blow The subject now filling me was no longer rape as foe Now tipping in was a new reality One that stripped me so quick from walking so happily Not ever after or future but to the loss of my girl The reality landed and the twister did twirl She's gone she's gone she fucking hates me Well maybe not from the time we spent on Saturday Yes after 6 weeks of trauma comforted and understanding I finally did get And now she finally believed me of my shame anger and regret But wait a thought that kept bugging me And this was again from that Saturday The morning a hold started by me And both seem content mutually happy Not back in love or getting back together But as one over the bastard rapist we could get over this bit together But how then did come a higher brick wall From one happy moment her mood it did fall How why it's now 1am Was there a reason, treason was it her friend Was it text a voice or a call How could this mood change oh no I'm going from big to small Spinning and spinning till 5am A text I did see from my now former friend Are maybe thats the reason is that the explanation Spinning and spinning well an answer will bring an end to this situation Need to know need to know why did that wall come back Into her mind I needed to hack I can't ask her though ill hurt her ill push her away I now attack the person that took that mood away Well that's all I could see as that intrusive wind blew But actually in my state I did not have a clue I know I'll text even though its 5am Ill ask Nikki fellow he says he's a friend He will tell me if there's a reason maybe coming from Nikki Why we found respect again and friends that were happy Yes a text explaining my mind to get an explanation it's ok I'm only trying to seek solis from my minds frustration Craig will help me get an answer take this insanity away I'm sure he will read it in a positive way Bollocks is the answer I wrote this from a shitty pit You see reality has bitten my new life without Rachael its shit The words I wrote with a positive intent Came out badly and looked poisonous and meant And in a flash my growth in wellness was broken When a blast came and my wife's Anger awoken How dare you you bastard have a go at my friend And blame her for bringing our relationship to and end Don't come home you bastard ill never take you back I knew it was a mistake to enjoy an evening have a crack You have lost a friend and hurt her real bad I'm so angry words are not good enough to say bad Confusion delusion fell down on me How could I balls up so dramatically How why what Did I say Then I read back compliments they did not convey You see my mind was in a very dark place Reality of loss sent it off spinning at pace The hurricane had got hold and again destroyed my mind Lost now in a sea but I did not look for excuses I could not find I went to my 5 days and talked back calm And as directed looked back at the words that did harm Ill be honest I see how they had been taken And how from new found calm our worlds I had shaken Honesty acceptance explanation was the need I felt bad at the misinterpretation and how my text it did read Anger was one thing shame another I could not hide though under the cover I could not undo what I had done I had even got a blast from my loving mum To my training 5 days and my wonderful tutor A truth came from her love computer You have meant well but done avoidance from a dark place You see your trauma is managed but loss of your wife has now taken its place Ok calm why how did all this happen How from strength could an intrusion flattern After acceptance reluctantly of my apology And multiple texts and calls especially trying to reach Nikki I had to sit and evaluate what had happened And the it was clear I had not finish life's lessons 2 days were now left to face this new burden I had to take it on or damage for me and my estranged would worsen So hear I am facing the my unwanted future greeted by a woman my life's journeys tutor Who already had helped me get rid of a torturous past Hilsborough, Bereavements, mental illness all now cast Away out i do see via EMT Well for 5 days and rape cleanse I had felt free So In 48 hours she can do what Rachael has asked See our marriage as over and live in reality the task So again she comes to me talking of energy And the road to recovery beyond being happy She has been through a shit life, one with cancerous pain Her man he has suffered enough, they have a reason to complain But yet she can channel energy from herself And get the energy out that puts her pain on the shelf An inspirational lady who has the strength of an ox And justification you won't get, her mind you can't fox You can't cover up what you've said, you've written, you've done Why you have taken out of life all that is fun Why you sent that text at 5am And as a result hurt your wife and lost a dear friend Why you have hurt your wife with all of your antics And why you cannot solve it with a simple quick fix She teaches you love by unlocking life's blockage With energy with heart not self centred sacrilege She has taught me to feel like never before To pick up my life not drag my knuckles on the floor She has taught me no matter what pain my separation is giving That even with these cards their is a life worth living She has taught me to feel to think as my wife To see all her pain her trouble her strife To understand what's she's saying by listening at last Not just hearing words as a personal blast To listen to her heart to all of her needs Not block up your relationship with your daily mind bleeds Now my offer to my wife is to give her unlimited transactions At my bank of pain till she's vented, herd, has extraction You see I can say this now as my tutor has taught me understanding She has shown me my wrongs not letting Rachael's words do the landing She's told me why those winds did blow Why I had those intrusions I could not let go I could not let go because till now I was not capable of facing the facts Without acceptance anxiety intrusions driving panic behaviour would again come back In a moment of stress and tears and anxiety She opened a channel that landed some sanity As we unblocked my soul and let my energy out Came a slap in the face a god awful clout Well it was awful at the time to feel a big slap But from it is joy I could stand up and clap You see at that moment when I was missing a text with a kiss Came a pantomime chorus a boo and a hiss You are seeking you are leaking you said that was done You are texting again, what did you promise your mum Boo hiss the pantomime villain is back You must stop you must end this into your wife's mind you must hack And with a flash like a genie coming from the lamp Came Rachael's world onto my Brain it did clamp Like 2 golden chop sticks being driven to the corner of my eyes Came the understanding of her as I sat down and shed cries Tears of sorrow sadness for the pain I had dealt For all that at happened even though a lot I couldn't help Like a Phoenix from the flames came a new kind of shame A relationship floor on my shoulders I lay blame I had so much going on so much pain to bear That I never gave time to listen to care What my wife was seeing feeling her anxiety Of the Hurricanes destruction of not being happy There was no space for my wife in our relations My life was so full of painful situations No malice no fault a lot could not be helped You see I chose not what cards I'd been dealt But neither did she and she needed my ears To break up these moments not be drowned out by my tears So all I can offer now is my understanding Ill let her know that her pains, thoughts, voice it is landing I'm registered now as the bank of pain To take all her deposits that have driven her insane It's never to late to change for the better I promise nothing but ill live to the letter U plift the pain and the suffering of my wife N ever again just breath trouble and stife D efinatly be there when she wants to talk E nter her world in her footsteps ill walk R eveal my love in a new honest way S tay on this path from her footsteps don't stray T ake on board all of her wishes her feelings A nd listen in life and to all hidden meanings N ever loose sight of what's happening in her life D o what is needed to make happy my wife How can I do this well it does not come from above It comes from a place simply known as love Not love all pink and fluffy in a card From a commitment to fight to always work hard To work hard at making myself happy and better From that better place I can live to each letter How do I do that is my question to me How can i take these blows and yet be happy Through love is the answer to nourish the soul Not seeking and leaking gestures they score an own goal To do A good dead or a selfless gesture Is not selfless if you seek glory if reward you do pester Happiness will come from love but from where Do we ever sit down, do we look, do we actually care Where do we need to find love to be happy in life Yes it feels amazing when it comes unexpected from your wife But when it does not come why do we fear love is over Is it like a passing ship from Calais to Dover Is it right when it comes from your special girl That you take it and keep it from another part of the world Is it right Ibizan love should be thrown back in her face When actually it came at the perfect time and place You should have thanked your wife because at that time I did need it What She did not realise at that time was when rape was making my life so shit To say thank you would be right for telegraphed love Then let it flow through not lock it in a glass glove Now what is needed is a sorry for that love Inspiration from understanding this apology feels good Sorry I took that love that felt so perfect so much grace And kept it not released it and threw it back in your face Used it as a weapon to to change your decision Took it from your heart and created a division Held on to it like a needy babies dummy Made it go off, past it's sell by date, instead of remembering it feeling scrummy I bet you wish you had not sent that love now Yet yesterday all I thought was how, why, what a cow So where do we find love feel love to survive Where is this love that makes you truly feel alive You need it at your side every single day You need it to cuddle you in it's unique way You need it to be there when you feel lost driven insane You need it to listen when your shrouded in pain You need to feel its energy beating like a heart You need to know that it's there it will never part You need to see it feel it in everything you do You need to hear it when your lonely when your feeling blue You need it beside you when life it does falter You need it to smother you when your feelings they alter You need it to talk to you when you need to make a decision You need not to fear that it will leave you, it will withern How can you get all that guarantee from love Is it gods inspiration does it come from above No is the answer I've been seeking in life It doesn't come constantly by your side from your wife It comes from within from life's biggest heart It's not bitter it's not blighted its not sour or tart It's in you by your side every single day I promise you this it will never stray What guarantees can I give how do I know where it is at Well let me tell you I'm not going to keep it under my hat It's here to stay you just need to know that it's there You need to open your mind then you will feel its care It's in you it's with you as you take every step It's you you fool thats the guaranteed winning bet Your love is for you, you love your self how can that leave It's in your chest in your vains it beats, its all interweaves What you must do is be loved by your best friend You and I promise this love never ends If you tell yourself hold yourself let love flow in and out too Then you can get on with life you'll know what to do I came on this journey on retreat to find me What I soon discovered is I needed love to be free Not love from my wife my daughters my Mum But from the most important special loving one From me to me to live my life at last Then I can stop being dragged down by a god awful past I can stop dragging others down and start understanding You see with love for yourself there's always a safe landing I had a sentence on my back that was unknown to me, not finished A discovery to find the ending would allow me to go forward unblemished Want to see a miracle be the miracle How you do that I did not have a clue My retreat, Sandra, has brought me the next line It's not about being cruel to be kind What is this miracle to bring out happy Chappie who can then just do good Simple i now say, The miracle is me loving me, then I'm no robin hood I am doing this now in the vast open space I'll let you into a secret it feels fucking ace If I can love me then I will be, I am better Then I can live to my commitment to every last letter I do love me and I have given me a hug Thanks to me maybe via Sandra bing delivered from above By loving myself I feel unconditional love i feel happy And am not been blighted by trauma and past thats often been crappy Cards on the table am I being selfish Well let me tell you it's a god tasting dish I'm sorry this camebso quickly after bad behaviour If id found it sooner maybe I'd just be loving thigh neighbour But I can do nothing now but say sorry for what I have done But with my new found love I can move forward be strong Now I love me I'm the readybrek kid Glowing in life a life I want to, will live From my ora my glow of love from within I can walk in others footsteps and definitely win And when low times come I don't need my mum I need to love me as I am the special one And when the glow seeps into other people's soul I'll stop committing sins and scoring those own goals The love for me will then pass into others With warmth understanding not cold dishonest shudders I need to love me for others to be able to love me to A man full of love is not lonely or blue A man full of love will flow out positive energy And then will come a bond a mutual chemistry Doubt me , be a synick say I'm talking shit Come stand by me, feel me, judge me by it You won't be told it, be given it, have a commitment written down You will not have to see me act like a clown You just will know I have love for my self Not an image or a picture I put on your shelf You will just feel it from me passing into you When you get a warm feeling even when your blue I have the ability of lighting up a room Yet ive managed to fill them with doom and gloom To be loved by others you have to love your self No matter what comes or what cards have been dealt I took on a journey mocked and mimicked by some Was it a jolly an excuse for some sun I new what the journey was for and to get on with it To make me better make life less shit A blemish unfortunately came along the way And I fell on to a path I did not want to stray I'm shamed at this fact but as I've been taught everything happens for a reason It's awful it's painful it felt like high treason But from it what I did not realise is I knew all along I knew what I needed to make me be strong I now know what was needed to face what is happening That puts an end to my mood and bad behaviour scattering I need love to be loved every single day And not let life wither and continue to decay To stop my self getting into a dreadful state And be able to cope with the facts on my plate What I now know what was needed was love for my self What I did not know it was already there riding by Stelph So I have 2 more days to grow even more And take on unexpected anxieties that to my soul floor Yet I know now when they come ill have understanding Of what is needed from me to turn them into winning Love for me by me and lots Not spending money on gifts from crappy gift shops Not living beyond means to buy happiness and love Not seeking out compliments to know, love comes from above I just need to flood my heart with love for me And then you will see how happy in life I WILL BE Trust in me as In god i trust and for the first time I trust myself As I've taken my love back off the shelf I'm here from now on my true written path Its like lying in water the perfect hot bath Come join me in life as Im loved by Antony And maybe that love will make others feel happy One things for sure with love come respect And respects what I need to be a safe bet I know not of the future but at least I accept where It is now I see my wife's decision her reasons and no longer as a cow So all I can say is Antony has love And it's not about simply the almighty above Sorry for my past and all suffering caused But damage has come from facts that can not be ignored This may be fact but its no excuse or justification But from now its just the future thanks to my love Vacation Onwards and upwards xx look Forward and understand the past
not be haunted and haunt others by it x actions now not words xx let life be
Awesome Antony August 2013 Healing Retreat
Shared with us in our healing sanctuary, the bedouin tent on Habiba Beach Nuweiba .... place of love and magic
