Week One Detox and De-Stress
In week 1 we focus on cleansing the body and the intestinal system, releasing all your stress with EFT, EMO and relaxation therapies, revitalise you with raw foods and juice fasting, help you find deep peace with yoga and meditation with our experienced Yoga Teachers Jo Hogarty. In five group workshops you discover the world of energy you live in, the energetic nature of emotions and simple natural techniques for transforming our everyday experience from anxiety and stress to acceptance, flow, release for growth and personal evolution, essential skills for life.
Week Two Love and Relationships
In week 2 we continue the yoga and detox for weight loss, vitality and health. In our workshops we explore more deeply the important areas of love and relationships. The broad themes focus on healing the past, handle difficult behaviours, relationship with yourself, love and forgiveness, family, work and romantic relationships, and your relationship with food, but will also be led by the particular needs of the guests in attendance.
Customise Your Perfect Retreat
We want to support you getting what you want out of this retreat. So whilst we have a comprehensive programme available, all elements are optional. You can come simply for a detox, you can come for the healing workshops, you can come for the yoga or just to lose weight and spend the days swimming diving snorkling or enjoying the region.
Or for maximum benefit, participate in all parts of the programme. Its completely up to you. So here's the programme for you to pick and mix from :

Group workshops will give you a chance to learn and use powerful techniques of EFT Emotional Freedom Technique and EMO for emotional transformation to releasing emotional blockages, for letting go of past stress, to make the mind changes you want to make, and for spending time on nurturing you and your relationship with yourself.
One to one healing sessions We are very experienced in the use of powerful energy healing techniques such as EFT and EMO to help you release deeper or more complex stresses and burdens that you are carrying. The one to one healing sessions are a chance to do deep healing and make lasting changes in your health, life and relationships with the help of a qualified practitioner.

Pampering with relaxation therapies We also make sure you relax with lots of pampewring too. Choose a massage on the beach or indoors, foot massage by the pool or on the beach, plus additional optional therapies are available depending on what therapists we have attending each retreat.
Yoga and Meditation classes are at sunrise and in the evening before bed 5 days a week.
A colon cleansing programme with intestinal herbs and enemas to help you detox more comfortably and to cleanse out accumulated body and digestive wastes.
Delicious detox menu with mouthwatering raw recipes and several days of juices only for your deep tissue cleanse and to restore your health and vitality. You have the option to do a short juice fast mid week or extend to a longer juice fast.
You also get plenty of free time to swim, relax, mingle or explore the area.

The programme offered is comprehensive to address all areas of mind body and spirit. So whether you want a yoga retreat, a health retreat, a weight loss retreat...or deep healing and support through life changes we think we have something to offer you.

The Typical Week
Orientation : Natural Healing for Mind Body and Spirit, What Why and How ?
Workshops : 5 Energy Healing workshops Morning or late afternoon
Cleanse : 3-4 days 100% raw food detox
3-4 days fresh juices 4 juices a day + top ups
(longer juice fasts possible, pls enquire on booking)
Mineral broth on juice days
Additional whole food superfood supplements to top up your vits and minerals
Colon Cleanse :
Intestinal cleansing with herbs, probiotics, plus personal enema kit
Yoga : 5 Classes Early morning yoga, 5 classes evening meditation
Morning-Mid afternoon: Free for therapy sessions and relaxation
Adventure : Free time to enjoy optional excursions or just relax
Weightloss : Average 4-7 lbs week 1, 3-4 lbs week 2+
Those staying only for week 1 will transition back to raw foods before departure. Those staying for 2 or more weeks, have the option to go onto raw foods for afew days following the gentle detox path with a 2nd juice fast each week, or to continue their juice fast into the next week, a total of 10 days juice fasting, then transition back to raw solid meals before leaving.
Optional Therapies
THREE One to One Therapies are included in your Programme each week.
You may book additional therapies including : EFT and EMO (£50) Massage (1 hr £35), Foot Massage (£25 30 mins) Thai Yoga Massage (£75 2hrs). Other therapies may also be available eg. reflexology, reiki, reflexology depending on which therapists are on the staff team that week.

Optional Excursions
In your free time you may wish to consider one or more of the following excursions which may be booked via the hotel you are staying at. Detox meals/juices are planned for your travel so you stay on track.
1) Moses Mountain and St Catherine's Monastery
This can be taken as a night time trip, ascending Moses mountain, where Moses received the 10 Commandments, travelling by camel or on foot, in a procession of torches to watch the sunrise over the Sinai from the summit, then descending to St Catherine's Monastery, holding the greatest collection of ancient scriptures and icons outside of the Vatican, built at the site of the Burning Bush. Rate approx $65 per person (rate may vary depending on hotel and group size)
2) The Ancient City of Petra Jordan
This is a full day trip to visit one of the remaining wonders of the ancient world. Rate approx $275 per person (may vary depending on hotel and group size)
3) Other trips available: Visit canyons and oasis in the Sinai desert, Salah el Din's Castle, Glass Bottomed Boat trips to view the coral reefs, Snorkling trips or nip to the local town for gift shopping.
Family Travelling with You
By hosting the healing retreats at small friendly hotels, this means your family or friends do not have to miss out when you go on your detox yoga holiday. They can travel with you and enjoy the facilities and menu of the hotel, while you cleanse heal and revitalise.
The rates for family travelling with you correspond to the hotel's standard rates.