So sit and look inside you at where you feel your pain Focus on its energy rather than sitting and hurting, driving yourself insane Focus on it soften it until it can start to flow Then let it flow out of you until the pain starts to go
Do it again and again focusing where you feel it every time Until the feelings flowed out of you and your balance starts to climb Once the energy has flowed out concentrate on your heart Not the pain the suffering of what’s pulling your heart apart
Your Energy driver your heart that’s the worse place for pain Give it love, your love, what you need to help you find you and explain It’s your love, is pure, it’s honest, it’s there whenever you need This is something you can keep giving to yourself there can be no level of Greed
Fill your heart with your love until its overflowing Then look at your life again, I’m sure it will get you going You see the strength you’re looking for is your love for you And once you are filled up you’ll know just what to do
When you’re filled with love from you and add that of your spirit guide You’ll be up and walking tall, not looking to run and hide You asked for strength to face the problems in your life Give yourself that love and you will be able to eat any slice
You are a person with the ability to heal Give yourself lots of love; it’s your love you are allowed to steal.
Go forward now all warm with the love you have been missing And watch yourself grow to a future your onward mission
It’s important once you’re warm in the love you’ve given yourself That you focus on the here and now not photos on your shelf Do look at the pains of the past if there then again soften and flow And don’t flash forward to painful futures they could take away your glow
Live in the here and now; take every day as it comes Then life will be rewarding not from the doldrums We can all in a loving place see and feel the real you Think as him or her and love them as what would the real me do
If you find the real you, stand calm and bask in its glory You see the real you will do the right thing and write a positive story Life has the ability of kicking anyone down But just soften and flow that energy that’s taken you to frown
I’m a man in suffering from trauma and now losing my wife And yes I saw the pain only and tried to take my life How bad things got as I swam in the acid of rape That I could not take any more pain landing on my plate
The pain of being raped was so bad that the loss of my wife I could not feel Yet when this was aloud in I found love to stop me falling and yield I found the energy to give love to my self And look at my life as valid and of enormous wealth
What changed for me was love and respect for my soul on this earth It was an amazing Journey that brought me to a place of Birth I owe it to my makers, my family my girls To keep myself breathing and walking in this world
So I do this I found Love, love of me myself And now my latest journey is full of loving health I’m still without my soul mate and living in separation But I’m determined to take each day as it comes with open anticipation
I will not lie there are moments when darkness of my loss comes to my door But I know what to do to take my soul up off the floor I give myself the love the respect that I need I give it all the love for my positive energy to feed
I ask myself the question what would the real me do Be calm take every moment, the here and now is the clue I soften and flow the negatives in my life And I look at a future that’s going to be filled with my girl’s spice
In your deepest pit of self pity justified or not Give yourself some love, no give yourself a lot I love you, I respect you and you are a man filled with love As I’ll give you as much as you need topped up from above
So here’s to softening and flowing and giving yourself the love you need So to the future and life one I now want to upon feed Good luck in your journey from the painful twists of life I hope you find your loving energy, like me even if I never get back my wife x

Awesome Antony 
August Healing Retreat 2013 Antony Chaplain, UK
After note: Awesome Antony did in fact get his wife back and they are now a reunited family.