Client Feedback on Healing Retreats

Client Feedback on Healing Retreats

Sandra Hillawi has run many detox, healing yoga retreats since 2002 in France, Egypt and the UK. Enjoy some of the client photos with their feedback and comments about their detox experience. As you can see, they were all delighted, happy, healthy and free Smile

Beautiful healing retreat venue beside the Red Sea Sinai
"Having just completed the 7 day de tox in S.Sinai I must say I feel great..I feel clean, bright,lighter and ready to have a fresh start with my eating habits. Sandra is a great 'hands off' facilitator so allows a lot of breath in the group...I like that ..She is very knowledgeable about nutrition and how the body works so I felt 'safe' in her hands..she also creates a loving prescence and let me be who I am. 
The raw food vegetable dishes and choice of juices that she chose for us were fantastic. I didn't feel hungry throughout the whole week because I was being nourished in other ways. 
The venue at Swisscare was 10 out of 10..fabulous rooms, en suite and very kind and helpful staff...great views too being surrounded by the Sinai mountains and also on the beach.
I would thoroughly recommend these de tox holidays with Sandra to anyone who wants to change some habits around their eating habits and who wants to have a great time. x"
M Stretch, Scotland
"Swisscare resort was an idyllic venue, quiet, with spacious rooms, on the beach and outstanding service. The deox menu and juices were carefully chosen by Sandra with love and I liked the structure of easing in and out of the juice detox with days of delicious and beautifully presented raw meals. The workshops helped me shift my stuick energy and the subjects and themes were thoughtfully chosen and useful and the one to one healing sessions were gracefully offerred and were just wonderful. This 7 days has given me time to stop, rest, sleep and to rejuvenate. Set in amazing surroundings with the most wonderful juices and foods, served by the most hospitalble staff who did all they could to ensure our needs were met I have healed, found my energy and am looking forward to returning to my life back home. Thank you." C Phillips, West Sussex
"The venue was very good and staff and service were excellent. I liked teh build up of raw food then the juice detox days. The food was very good and knowing I had meals to look forward to at the end ofthe week sustained me. The workshops taught us alot and I will definietely use these tools and concepts in my life. EFT and EMO are simple but profound. my massage was lovely and relaxing and my one to one sessions with Sandra took me to places I was not expecting to go and were very helpful" T Saliba 

"I have suffered from a condition called interstitial cystitis since I was 4 years old. Its a chronic condition which emans my bladder is inflamed and bleeds.The Doctors said there is no known cure only medication to manage the symptoms. Most of my symptoms mean that I cannot exercise as its really painful and I need to urinate at least 3 times per hour. Its a burden to say the least.

I decided to take matters into my own hands and see if i could manage the symptoms with changing my diet.  I googled a juice fast detox retreat and there was Sandra.  I called her and she told me that her next retreat was going to be in Egypt.  Coincidentally, I was going on my honeymoon to Egypt, and even more amazing and what took me by surprise was that I was going to the exact same hotel as Sandra was having her detox.  I arrived a week after Sandra arrived.

EFT for healing and releasing stress past and present

I joined Sandra's detox programme, but did not follow it completely as I was on honeymoon.  We did some EFT around trauma and other areas.  I started to feel different and my symptoms seemed less intense.  I was able to walk without too much pain.  Sandra then put my  on her bowel cleanse.  I was absolutely shocked at the way my digestion played a huge part in making my symptoms much more inflamed.  The bowel cleanse was a revelation.  And, this helped my symptoms beyond belief.

Sandra left before me.  I continued the cleansing and juicing upon my return to the UK and will be having a few more EFT sessions on Skype with Sandra.

I had my regular appointment with my consultant and Sandra and I talked about how I would feel telling my consultant that I was healed.  We did some EFT around that.  I said I would feel so great to tell my consultant I was healing myself.

I walked into the room and sat down.  My consultant asked me the usual and how are you.  I looked at him and said.  "really well, I am healing myself" that was the best feeling in the world for me.  The interstitial cystitis no longer controlled me.  I was so ecstatic.  My symptoms were reduced by 70% through EFT, diet and bowel cleansing.  My consultant asked me what I was doing and I told him exactly what I was doing.  He was flabbergasted.  He asked me if I wanted to go ahead with a pre planned operation to remove some of my bladder.  I said absolutely not. 

I continue to watch my diet, eat raw foods as well as whole foods, ensure my bowels are working correctly and releasing my traumatic past through EFT.  Its working.

Thank you Sandra, you have absolutely no idea how each day and each moment for me is brand new.  I can now go back to my beloved salsa dancing which I had to give up because the pain was so intense.  I also started a boxercise class and have the confidence to dance again.

What can I say.  Apart from thank you for your wisdom and absolute wisdom Sandra.  You helped me take my life back, and I believe saved my life.  I have no doubt that the IC condition I had/have, would have turned into something much more sinister.  I can now enjoy each moment of my life and be happy.

If you have any chronic conditions, want to lose weight, or simply want to have more energy I highly recommend Sandra's detox programme. It requires you to be totally honest about emotions and to be introspective and to be serious about what you eat. If you are willing to explore difficult areas with EFT you will set yourself free from a difficult past. Soften and Flow. This is now my mantra as well as 'I love myself' !

A.Brown London

Radiant and healthy detox guests !

"I had a fantastic week, the seting was great as it was intimate with not too many tourists, so had time to relax. The menu was amazing 10/10 nutritious delicious and original, and I never felt pressured to participate or preached to about raw food, just accepted as a person. The staff were very attentive and I felt cared about in all the therapies. Jo's Thai yoga massage was excellent 10/10 as was the yoga and the workshops were fantastic. Staff were caring and non judgemental adn really gave you their attention. Can't think of any negatives! "

Francesca, London

"The setting was beautiful with helpful friendly resort staff. The meditation was great for lowering stress and becoming attuned to the inner self. The workshops were very constructive and insightful. The one to one therapies with Sandra were the most beneficial aspect of the whole programme for me. I truly believe I have come away with real changes and a new outlook. It was a great experience."

Juliet, London


About the Detox Programme

‘Excellent programme with real understanding. Really useful to do emotional clearing at the same time as physical. All the staff were fantastic, and although it was weird, it was amazing.’

‘The food was delicious, inspiring and beautifully prepared and I am going to carry on eating like this. I loved the workshops and the way Sandra teaches. I adored the yoga and got a lot out of the EFT and emotional healing. I have cleared a lot and it went very deep. I feel lighter and happier.’

Guests at Healing Retreat

‘I never thought raw food could be so tasty, especially the celebration dinner. In fact the party night was just brilliant, stupendous, imaginative and delicious. I wasn’t expecting to enjoy the detox and the food, so Im really delighted’

‘I was amazed at the range and diversity of wonderfully prepared raw food and found the EFT workshops very useful to start the releasing process for me. The EMO workshop was fabulous and loved finishing with the heart healing. The combination of therapies and free time and workshops was great, it enabled the release of emotions in a fantastic environment and atmosphere’

‘Life changing programme, it really opened me up. EMO was brilliant and the Celebration Dinner was one of the best nights Ive ever had.’

‘I came for a detox and to lose weight and got a lot more than that.’

Josie Karla Kath Jo Shazhadi Janet

‘The programme surpassed my expectations. The detox was so excellently planned, the schedule timed to meet my needs. I came prepared to ‘suffer’ but was never hungry, side effects were nil and I came away enlightened and energised’

‘The food was fab, the entertainment was the most fun Ive had whilst sober ! Jo is an amazing woman, inspiring, fascinating, funny, charismatic. Ive had an unusual, insightful healthy week and all parts of me feel cleared, calmer and more loved.’

‘Extremely high standard of delicious nutritious food. I enjoyed the workshops but also appreciated that everything was optional, if I chose not to attend. The yoga classes were exceptionally high standard and the celebration dinner and party was wonderful.’

‘The food was so attractive and inviting, especially for a first raw experience. The balance of structured time and free time was just right, allowing me to process what I needed. I wasn’t expecting such a personal and caring environment’

 ‘I have much more understanding about myself, my emotions and what I want. It has had a positive effect on my relationship, no doubt it will have a huge effect on my diet. I will definitely enjoy life better after this.

‘I have great plans to live even a healthier life, better food, more water, more exercise, do my paperwork and de-clutter my house’

‘I will buy a juicer now and be more adventurous with raw food and more careful about the purchase of my food. I intend to have regular colonics and to work on myself to resolve some of my chronic problems and have more me-time’

Making new friends

‘I now feel equipped to deal with emotional stuff that comes my way and look forward to what life has in store.’

‘I have learnt life changing skills which I have already started using, emotionally and physically. I cant wait to get back to put it to use in my everyday life. I believe my relationships and health will benefit from coming here.’

‘I am going to try my hardest to never eat anything processed, not will I pollute my body with sugar. I aim to stop ‘killing myself’ and strive to start really living.’

‘My eating patterns will be much much healthier and more in line with what my body needs.’

‘Having lifted and released all negative energy Im looking forward to using both Eft and EMO to consolidate this. It was amazing to feel stuff embedded for a lifetime released in such a genuinely caring and supportive professional manner. Don’t know what to say other than thank you from my heart.’

 Detox guests adventure into the Sinai mountains for sunset

Any Highlights?

‘A number of them : meeting so many new people and all of them being brilliant; enjoyed the yoga, Jo is really an amazing person, very inspiring; I didn’t realise I could live for 3 days on juice and that raw food was so tasty; the whole course was very inspiring & I would recommend it to anybody’

‘The colonic with Sandra. We did some EFT also and I felt so much clearer in what I want and don’t want. Also, EFT with Shahzadi helped to point me in directions to help me understand myself better’

‘The variety of food and juices, meeting many lovely people, hopefully new friends, the EFT session helped me release so much. Thank you’

‘The physical stuff I expected. The highlight was finding out I could do something about behavioural problems I want to change.’

‘The EFT and EMO for dumping emotional stress was a highlight, understanding the cause of stress, finding my way forward and knowing I could reveal myself without feeling judged.’

Guests at healing retreat Red Sea

‘The dynamics of the group were wonderful and knowing that Jo is in the world, being all-amazing’

‘The colonic. I experienced a much greater perspective on my life by working with EMO at the same time. A great combination !’

‘All personal therapies were highlights. I was made to feel so special and valued.’

‘Excellent and definitely £775 well spent’
N.L. Architect, London

‘Dear Sandra, I cant thank you enough for the love and energy you put in to make this a wonderfully successful detox week for me. Your great care and beautiful details made it so special for everyone. You are truly amazing. I love you.’
G.W. Reflexologist, London

‘Sandra you are a wonderful person and have planned everything so well. I feel I have got so much more from this week that I expected and am determined to go home and change some aspects of my life. Thank you again, I am cancelling my nutritionist and will also be saving as I no longer need my physio so much’
M.S. Therapist, Yorks.

‘Thank you for organising a great week’
S.H. Therapist, Kent

‘I hope to have a healthier diet and to practice some of the emotional freedom techniques I have been taught. If I can maintain a healthier diet and remain happier with myself as a person I will have got an enormous amount from the week.’ J.D Corporate Events, London

‘Thank you so much for an excellent retreat. I am recommending this to all of my friends.’
A.O. Exhibitions Manager, London

‘Loved all the therapies, the best part, was all the therapists were top class and passionate. Will come again’ S.O. Managing Director London

Guests enjoy relaxation therapies

‘It gave me the time to stop and to allow personal realisations to blossom. I feel I can continue my lovely life on a clearer, higher, healthier path. Thanks.’
E.K Chiropractor, Hampshire

‘I personally have experienced greater clarity in not just my body mind and spirit but also in my life. Thank you. I will be recommending this retreat.’
S.K. B&B Manager, Hampshire

‘I have learned a great deal more about the therapies and enjoyed the juicing. Its given me a fresh impetus to eating healthily. Would like to come back next year’.
K.C. Engineer, Hampshire

‘It was especially interesting to hear personal stories from the staff team. I felt as if I could relate to them when receiving treatments rather than feeling not understood. Personally, to shed what has been enveloping me for so long is utter relief, albeit so new that it feels a bit new and wobbly. The nutrition talk and advice from Josie was superb and the icing on the cake. Therapists and guests have been a delight and a privilege to know. Although I was sad to go I feel emotionally and nutritionally nourished to look forward to the future in an unconstrained way. Thank you for making me feel special. Lots of love.’
A.C. Business Manager, Leicestershire

Gisele Lapointe et Gisele Bourgoin Red Sea Healing Retreat

Dear Sandra

I had a marvellous retreat in Egypt and a fantastic visit to Cairo. I enjoyed every moment of my trip. I lost 7 pounds, came back relaxed and fresh. Now the challenge is to continue eating well and exercising regularly. I decided during my retreat that I would work only 3 days a week in my practise. So Monday, I will write my plan for my new life.

Thank you so much to you and Jo. We did a great job together while having so much fun!  I am really grateful for this great opportunity you offered me. I will cherish the memories of the Egypt retreat for a very, very long time. Thank also from all my heart Khalid and Esam who took care of us while we were in Cairo.

Following Esam and contacting Khalid on the phone made our day a wonderful experience. They are two marvellous men!

Gisele Bourgoing, Quebec


Bonjour Sandra,

Merci pour avoir créé cette belle retraite. Je suis très contente d'avoir participé à ce projet. Je me fais dire que j'ai l'air bien. Je me suis pesée à l'arrivée et j'avais perdu 7 livres.

J'aimais bien les repas : belle présentation, innovateur, gradué, équilibré, des aliments de qualité, servis avec cordialité et le sourire. Les jus : très bons, variés, frais, consistants, nourrissants et bien dosés.

Massages : J'ai beaucoup apprécié les massages et en particulier ceux venant du Yoga qui délient les articulations d'une manière incroyable.

Ateliers : Le contenu est varié et il  permet de faire le tour nos préoccupations et qui nous amène à créer notre futur.

Thérapies : accompagnement respectueux et compétent. Ces thérapies nous permettent de libérer nos émotions qui nous empêcheraient de réaliser ce futur.

A mon retour, je me rends compte que certaines actions sont plus faciles dans leurs réalisations et que c'est ainsi que je réaliserai mes projets. Ces thérapies nous redonnent notre pouvoir.               

Hôtel : Très confortable, propre avec un service impeccable.      

Lieu : directement sur le bord de la Mer Rouge.  Facile d'accès et sécuritaire.

J'ai beaucoup apprécié le climat de janvier. C'était parfait pour moi. Nous avons eu du soleil à chaque jour.

J'ai fait ce voyage dans le but d'améliorer ma santé et libérer des émotions qui pouvaient m'empêcher de me réaliser.


Gisele Lapointe, Quebec.

In case you can't work out the French - Gisele L also had a fabulous time, lost weight, improved her health and energy, sorted her life out and has much improved relationships with her family upon her return. She loved the whole experience.

 Happy health and free after the Detox Healing Retreat

Posted Jul 2, 2010
Contact Sandra Hillawi

Sandra Hillawi - waiting for your call :-))

It's always good to talk to a human being and have your questions answered in person Smile

Please feel free to contact Sandra Hillawi with any questions about these retreats and for all your booking enquiries.

Telephone/WhatsApp Number

UK +44 (0) 7884 443708

Telephone Only Egypt +20 101 684 7379 

or WhatsApp Me directly with your enquiry News
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