Are There Ways That I Can Explain

Are There Ways That I Can Explain

Susan booked an exclusive healing retreat following a revelation that shook her marriage. Her husband had had an affair. The hot pain of betrayal ripped through to her core, she was devasted, future dreams shattered, self confidence at an all time low. After her 2 day healing retreat with Sandra, The Love Clinic, using EMO Energy in Motion for emotional transformation Susan was amazed that she really had healed and was able to put it all behind her. Broken heart mended, relationship and self confidence back at the end of her retreat she wrote this poem.

Uk Retreat Venue Sedgwick Park House West Sussex

Are there ways that I can explain

About losing my “self” and then finding it again.

Soften and flow. Breath through your heart.

Now no need, no reason to part,

from the man that is mine ever and true

Working as one - this is our cue.

I don’t feel standard. Just heavenly sent.

Never before was money so well spent!


Dark was the future 

but that’s in the past.

Now built a vehicle 

that really can last.


Future proofed pathway

New loving found

Won’t sit on “halfway”

Won’t touch the ground

Rising and gliding into life so unknown

The pride and the glory of how I have grown.


Can’t wait to kiss him

Firm frameworks new

Bring on the rivers

of love that is true.


To my friend

I extend

a rose of red humble

No longer through life will I bump

will I bumble


Don’t get me wrong I arrived well equipped

But life can be hard

Angel wings clipped


Can I fly?

Well I am soaring

How could this happen?

Praise spirit roaring

Praise spirit snigger

To my depths it is boring

Well shit, just go figure!


Read an account of the steps in Susan's healing journey here in A Love Clinic Retreat To Save A Marriage.

Outdoor pool at Sedgwick Park House our Uk retreat venue


Posted Aug 15, 2014
Contact Sandra Hillawi

Sandra Hillawi - waiting for your call :-))

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UK +44 (0) 7884 443708

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Healing and rebuilding trust after infidelity is possible, as demonstrated through client success stories using EMO Energy in Motion. The Love Clinic Course ...