Recent developments in the field of energy psychology give us a new model for understanding emotions, where they come from, and how to deal with them. Our emotions arise as part of our human response to life experiences but we now understand that emotions are a direct feedback response of the state of the body’s subtle energy system.
Emotions are Energy in Motion
As we respond to life, what people say and do to us, what happens, what we experience, all this is energy being processed in our energy body, also known as our spiritual body.
When energy is flowing in and out through our energy system we get positive emotions of acceptance, understanding, enrichment, clarity, peace, happiness, compassion, joy, delight, rapture and love, we can let go with ease and we have energy available for life.
When we don’t handle life so gracefully, maybe because we have so much to handle or we are faced with a huge life event, such as loss or a trauma, these energies build up in our energy system causing a disturbance or blockage. Energy has stopped flowing. This energy disturbance is now known to be the actual cause of our negative emotions such as anger, guilt pain, hurt, fear, anxiety, sadness, loss, worry accompanied by a physical sensation, pressure or pain in the chest, head, stomach etc. This physical sensation is the location of the blocked energy.
EMO, developed by Silvia Hartmann in 2002 gives us a simple way of gently releasing the pressure and allowing the energy build up to flow through the body and to release, restoring the even flow and the emotional intensity dissolving in the process.
Where do I feel this in my body?
With EMO we simply ask ‘where do you feel this in your body?’ and then we use our intention to soften the energy. As it softens it starts to spread and flow through the body gently releasing in a kinesthetic way. Once the energy is released and energy flow restored the positive emotions are restored.
So simple and natural everyone can do it
It’s a very simple and natural process and can be used on it’s own or integrated into other therapies. You can also do EMO anywhere, on a boat, plane, in a restaurant or at a party, (some of my best healing stories have come from these places!) as it’s just like having a conversation with someone. Clients of all ages can benefit even children, who can feel the pressure in the body but don’t know how to verbally express their emotions.
Releasing a problem with EMO is mostly content-free, which is also a blessing when working with painful memories, where clients don’t always want to revisit in details. EMO is about real healing that works, based on real feedback from the person in front of you.
Beyond Healing to New Life : Living Our Potential
But EMO isn’t just for healing old injuries simply and elegantly so that life is ok again. EMO gives us SO much more, takes us so much further and beyond in to new experiences of energy joy rapture and delight.
Just as our body has a blueprint or template for health do does our energy body or spirit person. This template is our true potential for how we can live and experience life in its richness and fullness and all the joy and happiness and success that goes with it. The reason we are not living this blueprint is because of past energy blockages from how we handled life in the past and the lack of the essential nourishment that our spirit person needs for health.
EMO moves us closer towards our state of Perfect Even Flow of our template, to our potential as a human being, to our birthright for real love happiness health and success.
EMO Basic Steps
When we have an emotional problem or feel stressed we simply pay attention:
- We ask : where do I feel this in my body?
- We remind ourselves : it’s only energy
- We use our intention to soften the energy : we think ‘its softening’ til its soft enough to flow
- We follow the energy as it softens spreads and flows through the body til it finds a way out
- We breathe deeply to help the energy to flow
- We may move our body or use our healing hands to assist energy to soften and flow
- We test by returning to the original problem and repeating until our energy is flowing and we feel good
For more information about EMO visit the official website
There are some great free introductions to EMO :

Free Introductory Videos on this website
Free EMO Self-help audio, downloadable to your mp3 player or iPod
Request audio and download information here
More EMO videos on Sandra's You Tube Channel
Recommended books :

EMO by Silvia Hartmann

The Love Clinic by Sandra Hillawi
FREE EMO Taster Session
Sandra offers a free taster session of EMO to give you an idea of how simple it is and what EMOÂ can do for you. You may like to take up this offer prior to booking your place on a retreat, or even prior to attending a workshop, training or series of consultations with Sandra.
Sandra works by phone and webcam through Skype.
Contact Sandra by email to arrange a session.
EMO Workshops and Training Courses
EMO workshops are an integral part of the healing and detox retreats, allowing you to learn for self help, and in pairs to work through healing of your emotional issues and release stress. Furthermore, you can train to be a practitioner of EMO with Sandra by attending one of her live international events or arranging a live web training.
More Information about EMO
Visit the Official EMO website for reviews, articles, healing stories, practitioner and trainer diurectory and international events calendar.