How to Do EFT
When we are experiencing a problem or feelings of distress to our system, we tune with a set up statement and then we tap the specific points on the body, staying focussed on our problem while tapping. The tapping releases the energy giving rise to the emotions, so as the energy releases, the emotions just melt away leaving you relaxed and free.

EFT Free Taster Session
You can book a free taster session with Sandra before booking a full consultation, a workshop, practitioner training, or a healing retreat. Sessions take place by phone or via webcam if you have Skype and a broadband internet connection. Contact Sandra by email.
Energy EFT Introductory Videos
Watch Silvia Hartmann introducing Energy EFT in 4 short videos
EFT Workshops and Trainings
All healing retreats include EFT workshops to teach you this simple and powerful skill for life, and giving you the chance to work through releasing stress and your emotional issues in pairs. Guests also receive a one to one using EFT or EMO for deeper healing with more experienced facilitation and support. More about EFT training with Sandra Hillawi.
More Information on EFT
For more about EFT visit The Association of Meridian Therapies The GoE
For articles, success stories, downloads, directory of practitioners and trainers, international training events calendar.
Great Books on EFT

Energy EFT: Energize Your Life From -10 to +10 With The Essential Next Generation A-Z Field Guide To Self Help EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques by Silvia Hartmann. This book is required reading for the new GoE EFT Master Practitioner training program. Published in 2012 this is the very latest, up to date and essential handbook for Modern Energy Work.

Adventures in EFT by Silvia Hartmann. Learn and understand EFT with this practical and information packed manual that includes the A-Z of EFT applications and how to use this wonderful technique with a wide variety of problems. Treat yourself for sadness, anger, addictions, low self esteem and a whole lot more! Adventures In EFT is the World's best selling guide for beginners in Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

Tapping for Kids by Angie Mucello. “Tapping For Kids” is an EFT Children’s book designed to teach 7-11 year olds how to use EFT as a tool to help them overcome their fears, worries and everyday traumas as well as build their self-esteem. Tapping For Kids is a perfect gift for any children in your life!
Tapping for Kids is now in its 2nd full colour edition. This wonderful new edition also comes with an audio CD unavailable anywhere else.

Advanced Patterns of EFT by Silvia Hartmann A thorough and comprehensive work that should be required reading by anyone who considers themselves a serious practitioner of EFT. A definite text book for the Advanced Practitioner. This book provides a wealth of practical tools for taking EFT beyond the relief of simple anxieties and phobias. Silvia Hartmann reveals her breadth and depth of knowledge in a completely accessible and useful style.