Silvia Hartmann writes: Once in a while I see one of those pseudo personal development articles, written by some !"£$!! who doesn't have the first clue about anything beyond what you can pick up in the cheapest of pop psychology leaflets, and they really infuriate me. Now, I haven't treated this reaction with energy therapies as yet because whenever it happens, I immediately sit down and write a response which I otherwise probably wouldn't be doing. In this case, the thing was entitled, "Forgiving Your Way To Health" and it was so profoundly useless, I nearly spat my coffee all over my computer keyboard as I flashed through the usual platitudes on this painful subject being regurgitated brainlessly once again. So, and as a direct result, here is ...
Want to forgive - but you don't know how?
Most if not all psychology and spiritual treatments constantly exhort the necessity of "forgiving" those who caused you injury in order to be free of the past. What they don't tell you is how you are supposed to do that. Forgiveness is not a process but an end result, a statement of "health regained", an effect but not a cause. To seek this effect is healthy - but how can you forgive when you are still in daily pain because of what happened, what someone did to you, what you did to yourself? The simple answer is that we are asking the impossible. To ask someone who is still hurting to forgive those who hurt them is like telling a man with broken legs to walk and then climb to the top of a magic mountain where his broken legs will finally be healed. It is impossible, it is cruel and it will hurt him even more in the process. What we need to do is to talk about healing first, and when we do, we find that forgiveness follows suit swiftly, sweetly and completely, without any further heartache, headache or need for therapy.
How DO we heal these injuries?
How come that time hasn't healed the pain? Why is it that the body regrew new skin and new tissue, and now you can't tell that once this child had broken bones from the daily beatings, that once that woman was raw and bleeding from her rape if you just looked at their outside appearance? What is it that has remained *unhealed* for all this time, is still raw and sore just as it was back then - what is it that causes the constant pain that simply makes "forgiveness" an impossibility? The answer to this comes from the newest approaches in Energy Therapies. Simply put, we have an energy body and this energy body sustains injuries just as well as the physical body does at the time of the incident, accident, attack, occurrence. But unlike the physical body which grows and lives under the rules of the mechanical universe, this energy body doesn't heal through time because it lives in a timeless quantum space, where here and there are quite the same, and now and yesterday are no different than 20 years ago, 50 years ago, a lifetime ago. Time does not heal the energy body. Ordinary medicine does not heal the energy body either and that is why the wounds from the attack closed all that time ago with the physical treatment that was given and the physical bodies own powers of restoration and growth through time is now no longer visible, or has become a faint scar as the years have passed, yet the energy body remains unhealed and sends its signals of pain through the medium of emotions and sensations that seem to have no rhyme or reason, no cause or effect in this consensus reality of ours which simply ignores all that cannot be seen to be measured. To heal the invisible scars of the past, we must heal the injuries of the energy body. Then the pain will stop and our minds and spirits return to a place of quiet, of tranquility and peace where we understand perfectly what happened and why it happened, even understand the perpetrators and why they did what they did - but it is now really in the past where it so rightfully belongs, has belonged all this time in truth.
How Do I Heal My Energy Body? At the most simple of all the levels, an awareness that such healing needs to take place is the very first step towards a true recovery process - recovering your balance, your power and your equilibrium, re-gaining a state we call the Even Flow where all is as it was designed to be. In the energy healing modality of EMOTM, which is specifically designed to heal ONLY the energy body, we first localise the erea of injury - we find the old wound. This does not entail guesswork or intuition - we simply ask, when you think of THAT, where do you feel the pain in YOUR body? People will hold their middles, put their hands before their eyes, clasp them to their heart, cup their jaw or hold their head in their hands in response. Of course they know where it hurts! That is where the injury is, plain for all to know and all to see. And once we know *where* the injury is located, we can begin to heal it - with Reiki, with Therapeutic Touch, with Hands On Healing and with the techniques and methods from EMOTM. What makes this so profoundly effective and releasing, so amazingly soothing and gentle too is that the intention of healing is directed to the energy body, exactly to the place and part of your system which needs this restoration. Unlike trying to heal an injured knee in this way, the energy body was always designed to respond to *healing energy* and indeed it could be said that when physical injuries get better because of an application of energy healing, this is but a side effect in truth of what went on at a much deeper level. In healing "the emotional wounds of the past", healing the energy body is a thousand times more effective than in healing the physical body which lives under the rules of the mechanical universe and needs time, substances, vitamins, processes that unfold in order to come back to ordinary functioning. The energy body needs just healing energy and intention to repair the wounds and it isn't bound by time and space - it can and does respond *immediately* to this attention and these energies being directed its way at last. It is simply so that no-one seems to remember to heal the energy body too at the time of accidents and incidence and all healing intention at the time seems so totally focussed on the physical alone - it is understandable. But the fact remains that we now have the means at our disposal to really heal the past, and when we do, forgiveness too comes into being naturally and as a direct result of having restored The Even Flow. Indeed, you can turn it around and actively use any areas of your life where you know you can't and won't forgive to show you where your old energetic injuries are located, using your "unforgivingness" as a diagnostic tool to show you the way to true and real freedom from the past, real and true peace of mind at last. Silvia Hartmann November 21, 2002
To find an EMOTM practitioner who is versed in healing your energy body, please visit
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