The Sidereus
The Sidereus Foundation was established to
create a unique platform for learning about the Universe.
We use the term “the Universe” for
all-there-is – the stars in the sky, the towns and the people who live there,
all of creation, God, Infinity – all of it, and including ourselves and our
relationships with all of this.
All our trainings are based on what we call
“The Sidereus Map Of The Universe” – a set of principles, theories and
ideas of how things work in reality, for those of us who want to know about such
The Sidereus Universe
At the baseline, we have a number of
presuppositions of how the universe works and what we are doing within it. Here
are the most basic ones:
The Universe is entirely logical, rational and reasonable.
There are structures and rules which, if you know them, will help you get
what you want in all ways. If you do not know these rules or willingly
transgress them, chaos must and does ensue.
Human beings have the ability to perceive and read the
“currents” of the Universe – or in other words, understand and process
the information about how things work and how they are meant to function.
Unfortunately, where the system breaks down is in that this
information is not being transmitted, received and understood clearly –
this has a lot to do with the language we use to translate this information
but it also happens by faulty entrainment in thinking, being and doing.
A great deal of the currently existing maps of “truth”
as they are being constantly taught and perpetuated in books, universities,
schools and so forth are simply wrong – sometimes faulty, sometimes
inaccurate, sometimes upside down, sometimes just missing major puzzle
It is for this reason that we need to go back to the only
reality that can ever exist – the individual experience of any one single
human being – and challenge the existing maps, finding new ways of doing,
thinking and being.
When we do this, we get feedback in the form of “reality
checks” – does it work more successfully, does it work less successfully
than the old methods, systems and theories, does it work at all? This guides
us into the direction of a correct understanding of what is going on in the
Universe, as simply as the old children’s game of “cold, warm, hot –
yes! You’ve got it!”.
“Sidereus Planes Model”
A great deal of what goes on when you use and
apply Sidereus maps is based on a simple model of four separate “planes”
that altogether, comprise reality.
You could think of these planes as four
plastic foils on a daylight projector that all together, give you the entire
diagram – you leave out any of them and the whole picture cannot emerge.
This is central to the Sidereus Map – namely
that not one of the four planes is more or less important in the overall scheme
of things than any of the others.
Here are the 4 Planes:
The Hard
This is often mistaken for “reality” which
of course comprises of much more than just The Hard. This is the physical world
which we perceive through our senses and in which we live.
The Connector Plane
This is the in-between between pure
physicality and the Higher Energy realms – auras, chakras, ghosts, Earth
Energies and the like exist at this level.
The High Energy Realms
Stepped off from the physical quite
dramatically, the High Energy realms are transpersonal, trans-spatial and
trans-temporal in nature. Jung’s Collective Unconsciousness is here as are
Sheldrake’s morphogenetic fields and many other existing energetic realities
(ereas) of this nature. Thought is manifest and there is no difference between
“reality” and “thought” at this level.
The Unspoken Realm
Named thus because we cannot conceptualize
this realm at all – rather than being transpersonal and transtemportal, this
is non-personal, non-spacial and non-temporal, both all and nothing at the same
time. There have been many terms over the centuries of human endeavor to
describe this space; Krishnamurti called it “The Silence” and as words and
pictures fail entirely here, we may think of it in those terms as long as we
know that these descriptions are meaningless and do not do this realm justice.
Planes Continuum
The 4 Planes Model is of course, an inordinate oversimplification of what is in
truth just one system that has no boundaries at all.
However, and so we can talk about this at all,
I have made these distinctions because the problem so far in human endeavors to
work with the Universe (the all-there-is, if you will) has always been a
confusion between the planes.
The first and most important thing to
understand about the planes is that they operate according to different laws of
nature. Newtonian cause-and-effect which is perfectly correct and absolutely
practical in The Hard doesn’t work anymore at all in the High Energy Realms
where an entirely different kind of cause-effect relationship exists instead.
Applying principles from The Hard in order to
make things happen or solve problems in that realm causes absolute chaos instead
because of this.
Knowing this allows us to do three things:
Firstly, it clearly shows us that rather
than going into the other planes with our pre-set ideas of how and why and
when and what, we need to stop and study the local laws and regulations
first and most importantly, before we make any interventions.
Secondly, by knowing which kinds of tools,
principles and laws apply to each plane, we can stop using the wrong ones
which end up with chaos and wrongness after considerable energy expenditure
and a lot of hard work with the best of intentions;
Thirdly, it stops what I call “planes
confusion” – i.e. the futile endeavor to create “Heaven On Earth”
with it’s corresponding disappointments when one finally has to admit that
it cannot be done, and on the other hand, the futile endeavor to re-create
“Earth In Heaven”, i.e. dealing with spiritual matters and the other
three realms as though they were a cottage in the woods, which they are
absolutely not. This second planes confusion leads to backfiring magic,
sickness and major upset and confusion as the wrong things altogether are
being manifested, created, set in motion and ricochet aimlessly around
amidst the planes.
As I said before, the planes merge
unnoticeably into one another as they are in reality, a part of a single
continuum without thresholds. However, and if you were to think of the planes as
waves, there are moments of becoming and places – collections of space time
points – where one set of laws phases out and the new set of laws phases into
being. These are confusing places where both and neither of the relative
plane’s laws are in action at the same time, and depending on which way you
look at these places, could be said to be either a wave, or a particle :-).
If you try to do magic – by prayer, by
spells, by intention, by thought or free will or in whichever way you want to
call your tomato a tomato – and work with intention and thought in the Higher
Energy Plane, these thresholds break up, reflect and refract the intention as it
gets translated from one medium into the other, from one form of existence to
the other, from one set of universes with their own specific local laws into the
It is for this reason that it is never enough
to just understand the local conventions of each plane in isolation, but what is
essential is to understand how they work as a complete system and just
how information is passed between them.
An idea, born of circumstances of The Hard,
such as “Making More Money”, cannot be translated into a simplistic coin
symbol and survive the passage across the thresholds between the planes intact
enough for there to be any resemblance of money at the end of it’s passage
back through the three systems.
It is really because of both the complexity of
making a symbol that can transcend across the layers and still remain meaningful
and aligned to the original intention of the symbol maker is inordinate, as well
as because of the inherent dangers of getting this wrong and manifesting total
chaos and destruction instead, that symbol making has usually been confined to a
very few brave individuals who would undertake such a demanding task.
& Symbols
One other major problem with symbols that has
dogged the human race for millennia is the fact that each symbol is entirely
idiosyncratic to the one who made it in all ways – a truly custom made
communications device between one single individual in their space time and the
True magic demands that one’s own symbols be
created, because “stock symbols” such as the ying-yang, Eye of Horus,
Pentagram and so forth are merely children’s playthings that have as little to
do with real magic as a plastic play hammer has a relationship with a real
hammer made from stout wood and heavy iron.
Trying to nail real nails into real stone
walls with a child’s toy is a futile endeavor; it cannot help but cause much
confusion and frustration, and yet the plastic toy hammer is still “hammer
like” enough to keep the illusion going that it is the real thing.
Somewhere along the line, the knowledge that
one plays with a toy hammer to learn in safety and without much danger to damage
the fabric of time and space until one graduates to the first real one, seems to
have become lost or confused. Now, there are a great many fine people driving
themselves crazy with entirely unsuitable tools that cannot ever get their
desired job done and a powerfield of ages around the stock symbols that gives
them an entirely mistaken impression of power and authority.
Learning States Model
1-2-3-4 is not just the way we learn to waltz;
it is a structural device by which humans are designed to learn. If you wanted
to make the connection between the 1-2-3-4 of learning and discovery and our 4
planes model, you might do so in an entirely non cause-and-effect way, at least
not in a Newtonian one.
1, our first stage of learning, is the so
called “spot” learning and experience – a one on one relationship between
a single problem and a single solution, a single symptom and a single cure, a
here-and-now, hand-in-hand experience which is where all and every learning
“What is that?” – “That is a cat.”
“My eye offends me!” – “Cut it out!”
... are examples of thinking and responses at
the No.1 or spot level.
No.2 gives us process – two points and you
can travel from one to the other. After the spot work has been done for a time
and learned on a level, all separate incidents that make no meaning other than
in their own context, like unconnected dots randomly placed on a piece of paper,
eventually the step is taken to go beyond that.
“My eye offends me!” – “Cut it out!”
– “But what happens then?”
Process gives a sense of time for the first
time in the system. 1 is quite timeless – every incident is now and it is
here, and it is very much all there is.
In process, the journey from a to b takes time
and the density of possibility, information and connection takes a direct leap
to a higher order of organisation. In learning, it takes some time to learn to
process this new density of information and to get used to process loops and
other occurrences that simply didn’t exist in the 1=Spot system.
When we add a third point to our line, we are
adding a further dimension. In learning, now we have systems and systemic
thinking – it’s not just a question of just one individual with one problem,
but how does that problem reflect the individual’s environment, their
3 brings in the relationships between the
individuals and still retains time as well – we have changing systems in
temporal flux and interventions at this level are necessarily a great deal
more complex, interactive, subtle, and far reaching as they spread out through
the entire system.
4 does not make a square or even a cube,
don’t make that mistake. The fourth point is not in the same dimension as the
three previous ones; it is elsewhere and essentially a standing pulse through
the all the different planes, thereby opening out the system of 3 to the
entirety of the Universe. As it does so, the still existing 3 system with it’s
higher connection to the fourth point becomes like a multi-faceted diamond as it
is reflected in all the planes with their various different local laws of
organisation – although the 3 construct remains essentially the same, on one
plane it appears to be one thing, on another it appears to be another, and it is
in the overlaying of all those different appearances that the “truth” of the
3 construct may be approximated. 4 is therefore the layer of multi-ordinate
As with the planes model, this system has
threshold shifts and threshold turbulences – it is not generally a question of
an “enlightenment” that produces the move from one learning experience to
the next, but more a case of suddenly seeing something more for a time, then
falling back into the old ways, touching the new plane again here and there,
getting frustrated with the knowing that there is “something else just around
the corner” and a general acclimatisation into the new order of things.
As we move along from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4, the
following happens:
Information density increases exponentially. Indeed, one of
the problems with the threshold disturbances arises directly out of the fact
that too much information is all of a sudden available to a system that is
unused to dealing with this kind of overload. Although the structures
absolutely exist to handle the increase in information density, the
individual’s responses to the threshold disturbances in the end dictate as
to whether they are going to continue on and forward or just back up and
stay in a comfort zone of the previous level and decide to go no further.
Leverage over the whole system increases also and in direct
relationship to how much of the system has become known – you could think
of it terms of “zooming out” to include more and more of the surrounding
Universe, and more of it you see, the more of it you can choose to affect
because now you know it’s there in the first place.
The 1-2-3-4 Model of learning and experience
is in general, context specific. Therefore, an individual may be capable of
navigating and influencing some systems at the 4 level (such as quantum physics)
and in others, might be working at the 1 level (such as relationships with
people). This, once again, is highly idiosyncratic to any one given individual
and has much to do with their personal set ups such as their experiences,
decisions and energetic occurrences in this incarnation so far.
As with the 4 planes, no state of learning is
any better than any other – each one is an absolute part of the system and one
cannot happen without the other, live in absence of the other, exist at all as
they are a totality and a continuum.
However, learning states confusion is just as
damaging and irritating as planes confusion. A person who is working on
perfecting their 1-state finds no solace, help or comfort in communications from
someone who processes at 3 or 4 – they are simply incomprehensible to them,
insane possibly, entirely non-sensical.
This works the other way around as well – a
3 and especially a 4 might well be incapable of tolerating a 1-state learner and
consider their questions an example of being stupid, lacking intelligence and
insight or simply being “limited”.
1-state learners and 4-state learners stay
well away from each other in general, and it is the 2-state learners and the
3-state learners who endeavor to bridge a communication between them and make a
mediate state where everyone can at least retain a sense of hope that they might
be understood, or that they might understand, given enough passage of time.
The solution lies in simply doing three
Creating trainings that naturally move with the 1-2-3-4
model and allow each individual the time and resources they need to move
from one to the other as they were designed to be able to do;
Creating support structures for the threshold confusion
states that everyone will experience and to encourage individuals through
these so they may continue on;
To teach the 3’s and 4’s that they need to retain the
ability to respond at the correct level in order to make the system work for
everyone’s maximum support and benefit, and without prejudice from any one
learning state to any other.
The Planes
The Sidereus Foundation has at the heart of
its “mission statement” the desire and focus to balance the planes – to
work at a level where all the planes come into harmony and align for a given
To do this, and in view of the corresponding
1-2-3-4 model of learning states, we are creating trainings that are
multi-ordinate in nature – but truly so, as they retain effectiveness entirely
at all the levels and thus can be approached from any level.
The purpose of the training is not only
knowledge transmission, although it is a necessary part of the “holistic
planes system” – at the 1-learning state, knowledge is of prime importance
and without it, you cannot progress any further – but the trainings are
designed to help an individual get into harmony with the Universe by finding
within themselves the resources that are there and to develop a confidence in
these resources to read, understand, navigate and use the patterns of the
Universe for their own desires.
We are particularly aware of the challenges of
the threshold confusions – be it in the learning states or in the general
planes model – and thus have devoted a great proportion of the energies in the
trainings to the act of supporting, steadying, encouraging and gently guiding
the students through these storms which they necessarily must face.
This is a very holistic approach to learning
and personal development; designed to be as specific to any given single person
as they bring to the trainings their own individuality, and, in so doing, create
a unique training that is only for them and can never be the same for anyone
else as they interact with the training directly and in a very profound and
personal way.
It is our understanding that to understand the
Universe, and our place within it, on a personal and experiential basis
is within the reach of every human; that this is not a special gift reserved for
the few but something our neurology was designed to do in the first place.
We want to see just how far we can go.
Just how far you can go.
And what else is out there ...
Silvia Hartmann
October 2001