Money Does Not Change Your Life. People Do.

Money Does Not Change Your Life. People Do.

This I have learned.

Money does not change your life. People Do. Quote by Silvia Hartmann

From the SILVIA page on Facebook



After decades of talking to people about their change events, I have come to the conclusion that "Money does not change your life. People do."

It's a simple enough statement but it has major repercussions for many things, goal setting amongst them.

It is my assertion that most people do not reach their various goals simply because they are the wrong goals. There is that core misunderstand that if you have more/enough/shitloads of money, your life will become transformed and your daily misery will turn to a life of glorious joy from dusk till dawn.

This is simply erroneous.

I've got the Positive Energy Kickstart day coming up, and of course, it is of the essence to have a true goal or else the opportunity of using the power of the group and the magic of the moment to "make your dreams come true" is simply wasted.

And what a waste that would be ... sigh ...

Thinking in terms of EFT for a moment, which is a handy tool to get a mental grip on pathways from a - z and beyond, if MONEY wasn't the goal for once, but instead, PEOPLE, then what kind of set ups would that generate?

If you wanted to chase trauma in the Classic EFT fashion, what traumas would you have to be addressing in order to gain traction towards goals of happiness - if it was A MATTER OF PEOPLE, rather than a matter of money ...?

If you wanted to employ positives (which I would strongly recommend!) to blow old blockages and reversals clear out of the water and scatter them sky high in a blessing dust of diamond droplets filled with life and laughter, then what positives would you need to heal your relationships not with money, but with PEOPLE instead ...?

What PEOPLE goals might you want to be aiming for ...?

This is a very different way of thinking.

It's a different pathway to achieving happiness.

If you're one of those PEOPLE who has struggled and struggled and tapped and tapped on abundance, money really, and you haven't gotten anywhere, there has been no true threshold shift on the topic, and things are as they always were, perhaps with a bit less stress and having become more philosophical about it all over the ages, then this might just be the way out for you.

Give it some thought as you formulate your own New Year's goals and resolutions.

If it was all about PEOPLE, what difference would that make ..?

Worth trying, I'd say.

And I do love the fact that the New Year's Resolutions offer us this space to sit down and really think about it for a change, get off that daily hamster wheel and consider what we want, what we want to achieve, and how we're going to go about it.

In love, clarity, joy and laughter


Posted Dec 27, 2014
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