Fear, By Any Other Name ...

Fear, By Any Other Name ...

... oh yes! And there are so many other names for fear.

Procrastination. Indecision. Weighing things up carefully. Waiting for a sign. Waiting for the right moment. Waiting for Mr Right! Waiting for a miracle ...

And there are even more of "Fear, by any other name" ... THE GOOD REASONS of course ...

Good reasons to not do something.

To not get married. To not get on the phone. To not send in a course assignment, hell, to not even try and do a course assignment BECAUSE ...

I fell of my high chair when I was four years old and I've never been the same since ...

A fortune teller told me that it would be a really bad idea to do anything until 2021 ...

Ha! You want a list of reasons? Well let me tell you a thing or two ...

Alright, alright.

It's fear, ok?

Just fear.

When we're not talking about physically going into a burning building covered in gasolene, it isn't anything other than FEAR.

Here's something I wrote the other day in the context of getting someone to START doing the exercises on a correspondence course (!!!):

Thing is this.

You can thrash about all you like like a trout at the end of a fishing line and psychotherapise THE BLUE FUCK out of all the reasons why you don't want to do the exercises.

You can.

It's your life.

Or you can just do the exercises.

If they are badly done, you'll get some feedback and ideas how to have another pass with improved results.

SOME thing will happen.

An EVOLUTION will occur.

The thrashing will remain the same, until you get too worn out to thrash any longer.


This is of course not just true for getting an exercise to a tutor.

This holds for EVERY LITTLE THING that you know what you should be doing but you're not doing it.


Yeah, yeah ...

Look. Just treat it as fear.

Tap EFT on it.


Go on a Project Sanctuary mission "to find my lost courage"!

But DO SOME THING, because that fear-thrashing is INCREDIBLY bad for your health - for your mental health, spiritual health, and emotional health. For your self concept. For your energy levels. For your incarnation!

Only YOU can cut that fishing line.

And as they say, a picture says more than a 1000 words.

So look at this for a while.

That's FEAR in action.

Imagine all that energy spent on achieving your goals!

Or even getting rid of the fear in the first place!

Over to the trout.

SFX April 1010


Posted Apr 5, 2010
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Sandra Hillawi - waiting for your call :-))

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