SFI July 2009

SFI July 2009

Magic, Spells & Potions | A Little Light Glows A Long Way | Congratulations Sarah Claxton | The Rich & Healthy Witch | The Child In The Meadow | Genius Symbol Of The Day | Events Psychology Is Coming ...

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to my July 2009 StarFields Intelligence eZine!

In this issue:

  • Magic, Spells & Potions
  • The Rich & Healthy Witch!
  • Inner Child Healing - FREE Script
  • Genius Symbols Of The Day
  • Events Psychology Is Coming ...


*** Magic, Spells & Potions ***

Where did that entire new book come from all of a sudden?

Ask me not - I am still astonished how that happened.

I am suspecting though that if I had had time to think about writing a book like that, on that topic, from the ground up, I would NEVER have tried it, or even dared!

As it was simply thrown upon me with a super-short deadline, I didn't have time to worry and just wrote it, there and then.

I think that there might be a lesson in that.

Many things, if you think about them too much, become IMPOSSIBLE as you think of all the problems, all the challenges, and how you might measure up.

If you just step out and do them, there and then, you might find that you suprise yourself with what you can actually achieve when you just DO it, rather than endlessly WORRYING about doing something.

I've had some lovely feedback about this book, too, which is really nice. What I like most of all however is that I feel I have made my unique contribution to a field that is notoriously convoluted, dark, and can be desperately joyless in its manifestation.

A little light goes SUCH a long way.

And that's also something worth remembering.

If you're interested in finding out how I got to writing "Magic, Spells & Potions" there is a personal report on my journey here:


***** Stop Press - The Hardcopy Manuals Have Arrived!

This morning I was given the Hardcopy Manuals to sign that were on special pre-order - that's a very nice book indeed.

I had the usual battle royale over the cover - the marketing men wanted something in blood red with snakes and pentagrams; I wanted a sunrise, filled with light, and a crystal ball that looks like a chalice!

I'm happy to say that *I've WON!!!* and the cover is now as LIGHT FILLED as the entire book is in every way.

Down with dreary, medieval, blood soaked, miserable magic and BRING IN THE LIGHT!

surely, it can only be for the best!!!

See the new cover here:


***** Congratulations, Sarah Claxton! *****

Congratulations to Sarah Claxton from Dorset in the United Kingdom who is the lucky winner of one of my handcrafted amber pendants. It has a lovely energy and I think she will enjoy this, particularly as Sarah is studying EMO at the moment as well - well done :-)

***** The Rich & Healthy Witch! *****

I've always wanted to write a book live online, and the premium members club is giving me this opportunity, which I am enjoying tremendously.

I was asked to write a template for a sales page for a book some time ago, and I "invented" a product that didn't exist for this template, as an example.

I started making the template which included benefits and bonus, description of the book, a note from the author and what happened was that clearly, my energy mind mistook the idea of a joke or "just an example" and produced this advertisement for a REAL book - the Rich and Healthy Witch, as a matter of fact.

I kept thinking about it and then started writing some articles on the topic of how magical people (people whose psychic circuitry is active) can organise their lives so that they're not creating a vortex of disturbances around themselves accidentally.

A lot of advice that is on offer to "normal" people doesn't actually work for magical folk; I've known that all my life, and made it my business to find ways of doing things that DO work for magical people.

As far as I know, no-one has ever written a book quite like that (well it's not exactly for the mass market, is it!) and I am really enjoying it, and posting the chapters to the premium member's club hot off my keyboard. So far there's "Magic Aunty Silvia's Good Advice On ..." such things as eating, sleeping, relationships, how to handle time, therapy for magical folk and today I wrote the chapter on "Sex".

Great fun, a great project, and I think I can safely say that the premium members are enjoying it as well as we go along.

We also do teleconferences, and free previews and downloads of strange and new things, plus there's a forum to which I post ideas and suggestions as they arise on a variety of topics.

If you are interested in the cutting edge of things, the Pertineri Club is a good place to be, and as always, I strive to give good value for money!

To sign up, goto:


***** Inner Child Healing Energy Hypnosis Program*****

Recently, we have had lots of requests for Inner Child Healing - many people requested a free inner child meditation script so I wrote one and posted it here:


So then we received requests for a recorded version of this journey. The other day I was in the studio, recording for my special 50th birthday project. As I was there, I took the time to record The Child In The Meadow and this is now available here:


This is a sweet, straightforward guided meditation, designed so you can do it repeatedly. The central healing movement is to create a toy for the child from a stream of malleable energy that is just the right one; and as we all have many inner children who are in need of love and connection, I do recommend to perhaps expand the time span and do this more than once.


***** Genius Symbol Of The Day

If you love the Genius Symbols, you'll like this one - a Genius Symbol spinner to give you a random Genius Symbol!

Find it here:


***** Events Psychology Is Coming ...

The major release for this year has to be Events Psychology - Silvia's "Origin of the Species" as it has been called.

The manuscript is now being peer reviewed and the principles from this paradigm shifter are going to be incorporated into the new MET Prac trainings which will be available from November 10th, 2009.

Events Psychology is really quite something.

It's taken me the best part of a quarter of a century to put this together; and the subtitle is, "How to understand yourself, and other people."

It is rather unique in that even though it describes a completely different way of looking at the human mind and treating psychological misfunctions in structure, the principles of it can be used both with healing systems that exist already (such as energy psychology, but also the really old forms of psychological techniques too) as well as with those yet to come.

This is because Events Psychology gives us the meta-tools to evaluate the human experience correctly - and that's saying something!

For people who have been following my work over the years, I think you will find that Events Psychology puts just about everything we've been doing together into a very userfriendly format with many beneficial applications.

For people who are new to what I do and how I do it, that's going to be interesting. I am guessing there isn't a page in that document that doesn't have some unheard of/controversial/new information on it - and yet it all makes sense and you can ratify it by comparing the theory of Events Psychology to your personal experiences, and those of other people you know.

The research for Events Psychology has taken me 25 years from start to finish, and has involved thousands of people, probably more, who have given their input, shared their experiences.

The creation of Events Psychology has also involved special individuals who were materially responsible for the path by which it was discovered.

I made a list of these the other day - what a time trip that was!

Here is the dedication list of fellow researchers, co-developers, and bringers of ideas and concepts to the party.

As they say, "I couldn't have done it without you!" - and indeed, I could not have. Thank you for helping me create Events Psychology!

Rowna Wyatt - Marilyn Pawson - Wendy Hanson - Alfred Korzybski - Richard Bandler - Tad James - Ed Grimshaw - John La Tourette - Roy Hunter - Gerald Kein - Virginia Satir - Robert Monroe - Gary Craig - Chrissie Hardisty - Susan Courtney - Ananga Sivyer - Derek Baker - Steve Collins.

A special mention to Alex and Steve, my sons, who have in their own way played a major part in supporting me in my research, and in my life. I love you guys and I DO appreciate what you do for me!

And an extra special THANK YOU to Nicola Quinn, who has unfailingly supported me and helped me work out the puzzles and without whom, not just Events Psychology but many other things, simply wouldn't have ever manifested in the Hard at all.

Lastly, there is all of you - my readers, the people who have taken the trainings I've presented, those I've written, the trainers - you are GOLDEN! - the practitioners, and all those who have contributed so much to all of this, and most of all, your uniqueness in every way.

It is EXTRAORDINARY to think just how many people were involved in this project, and how many people you really NEED to make something like this work, and make it happen.

If I ever say again "Nobody loves me!" give me a good kick, will you?

I'm blessed and I do hope I finally get not just that I am, but just HOW blessed I am to be doing this as my life's work - it's a lot to process, to be sure ...

I thank you for listening, for your good attention on this and all the other occasions, and I wish you all the very best the Universe has to offer to you, now and in the future.

Sunrises happening,

Silvia :-)

Silvia Hartmann


Links In Brief:

***** Magic, Spells & Potions Sunrise!

***** Pertineri Premium Members Club

***** Inner Child Meditation - The Child In The Meadow

Free Script:

Quality MP3 Guided Meditation with Silvia Hartmann:

***** Genius Symbol Of The Day


***** Events Psychology


Posted Jul 18, 2009
Contact Sandra Hillawi

Sandra Hillawi - waiting for your call :-))

It's always good to talk to a human being and have your questions answered in person Smile

Please feel free to contact Sandra Hillawi with any questions about these retreats and for all your booking enquiries.

Telephone/WhatsApp Number

UK +44 (0) 7884 443708

Telephone Only Egypt +20 101 684 7379 

or WhatsApp Me directly with your enquiry

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In our fast-paced world, filled with distractions and external pressures, it’s easy to lose sight of the profound journey that lies within each of ...