From Silvia: Hello everyone! Wild winds, glowering dark, pouring rain - but that's February in the UK for you! I find plenty of amusement in intra-personal and out of body experiences, and of course, in Sanctuary, the sun always shines if you want it to :-) I have two items of news today plus an honourable mention, and the first is a free EFT online course for everyone - Easy EFT.
*** Easy EFT *** About 18 months ago, a publisher asked me to write a "cheap & cheerful" EFT book that would be short and could be sold for little. I wrote it and then fell out with the publisher (they were editing my lovely NLP language WAY too much for my liking!) so it sat on my hard drive since then. I found it the other day and thought, "Hey that would make a nice personal development course for the old hands just as well as being an interesting introduction for newbies." As I'm having a STACK of fun with the MindMillion 60s, we went for it and it is available now from
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I recommend this, especially to the old hands. We tend to forget how GREAT EFT is for every day problems, and this weekly course with examples and ideas what to tap on makes a good reminder and will be a lot of useful, stress relieving fun as well. Now to the 2nd item and a special launch offer just for you, my dear SFI subscribers: *** Champagne Turquoise *** After years of thinking about it, I have finally decided to make my own fitness and weightloss product. Rather than to create yet another heavy duty stand alone 50 CD mega programme that costs mega bucks, I thought it might be more useful for all concerned to make a SUPPLEMENT - something that catalyses a person's own diet and fitness routines, and ADDS the dimensions of the energy body, the autogenic body, and addresses energetic/spiritual issues in weightloss and fitness instead. The result is a really beautiful shamanic meditation, Champagne Turquoise, which is around 30 minutes in length so you can do it often, and which absolutely will help with fitness issues on those "other levels", which are my speciality and my life's work. You can get this super supplement in the mp3 download version for just £5 for the next three days by using the following special offer code: [link expired] More information about what it is and where it came from can be seen in the brand new and as yet not public diary: Don't click the "buy now" links on the product information page, use the link above to get your SFI discount. *** An Honourable Mention *** Bob Collier from the MindMillion group has put together a book on modern parenting, featuring 12 leading lights of the New Parenting movement. This is a fascinating book and a goldmine of ideas for people who want to parent rather than just "manage" their children; the reason I'm mentioning this here is because Bob worked really hard, and for a long time, to get this information out there, to create this book and all it takes to make it publicly available - so congratulations on this wonderful achievement from me, and a recommend to visit Bob's website: That's all for today; I hope you're doing well in your personal and business life, and don't forget to DREAM :-) Silvia Silvia Hartmann